WDS 01379-8259 TOK 426 (HD 10800) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
TOK 426 HIP 7601 is a nearby (27pc) dwarf also known as GJ 67.1 or HR 512.
According to Wichman et al. (2003 A&A, 400, 293), it is a young
spectroscopic triple detected in X-rays (1RXS J013755.4-825838). GCS
also recognized the star as SB2. Spectroscopic monitoring (Tokovinin,
in preparation) shows that all three components are similar stars of
approximately one solar mass. Here we resolved the outer subsystem AB
and observed its fast motion. In fact it was already resolved at SOAR
on 2011.036 at 221.0deg and 0".044, but this low-quality observation
has not been published. The available data indicate that the period
of AB is 1.35years; the pair completed nearly two revolutions since
its first resolution in 2011. Tok2015c
refcode metd author reference
Tok2015c orb+j Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Mendez, R.A., & Horch, E.P. 2015AJ....150...50T
Tok2015c +St AJ 150, 50, 2015 (some measures corrected in Tok2017b) 2017AJ....154..110T
Tok2016c orb+j Tokovinin, A. 2016AJ....152...11T
Tok2016c +St AJ 152, 11, 2016
idgroup discov author
1 TOK Tokovinin, A.A.
66 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
66 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
131 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
131 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01379-8259 TOK 426 2015 6 173 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V 013754.98-825831.0
01379-8259 TOK 426 2016 14 0 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V N 013754.98-825831.0
01379-8259 TOK 426 2017 21 309 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V N 013754.98-825831.0
01379-8259 TOK 426 2018 23 228 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V NO 013754.98-825831.0
01379-8259 TOK 426 2019 25 103 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V NO 013754.98-825831.0
01379-8259 TOK 426 2020 26 282 0.1 6.30 7.10 G1V NO 013754.98-825831.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.