21491-7206 HEI 598 (AY Ind)

21h 49m 05.88s -72° 06' 08.8" P.A. 153.00 sep 0.7 mag 10.11,11.17 Sp M2Ve dist. 16.32 pc (53.24 l.y.)
Coord 2000 21491-7206 Discov num HEI 598 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 49 05.88 -72 06 08.8
Date first 1989 Date last 2021 Obs 8
Pa first 5 Pa last 152.5 P.A. Now (θ) 152.5°
Sep first 1.3 Sep last 0.69 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.69"
Mag pri 10.11 Mag sec 11.17 delta mag (ΔM) 1.06 Spectral class M2Ve (red)
Pri motion ra +320 Sec motion ra +320
Pri motion dec -303 Sec motion dec -303
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Var name AY Ind Constellation Indus HIP 107705 Tycho2 9331-00189-1
GL GJ 1264 CD CD-72 1700 CP CP-72 2640 Distance 16.32
Distance ly 53.24
Period (P)120y Periastron (T)2016.44y Semi-major axis (a)1.565a
Eccentricity (e)0.349 Inclination (i)51.8° Longitude of periastron (ω)67.8°
Node (Ω)42.8° Notes ReferenceTok2020e
Equinox Last observation2019 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 29.9 1.307
2001 32.4 1.295
2002 35.0 1.279
2003 37.6 1.260
2004 40.3 1.237
2005 43.2 1.210
2006 46.2 1.180
2007 49.3 1.145
2008 52.7 1.106
2009 56.3 1.063
2010 60.2 1.016
2011 64.6 0.967
2012 69.4 0.915
2013 74.8 0.862
2014 80.9 0.810
2015 87.8 0.761
2016 95.6 0.716
2017 104.4 0.680
2018 114.0 0.654
2019 124.2 0.642
2020 134.5 0.644
2021 144.6 0.661
2022 154.0 0.691
2023 162.4 0.731
2024 169.9 0.780
2025 176.4 0.835
2026 182.1 0.893
2027 187.1 0.953
2028 191.5 1.013
2029 195.5 1.073
2030 199.0 1.132
2031 202.1 1.188
2032 205.0 1.242
2033 207.7 1.293
2034 210.1 1.342
2035 212.4 1.388
2036 214.6 1.430
2037 216.6 1.470
2038 218.5 1.507
2039 220.3 1.540
2040 222.1 1.571
2041 223.8 1.599
2042 225.4 1.625
2043 227.0 1.647
2044 228.6 1.667
2045 230.1 1.685
2046 231.6 1.700
2047 233.0 1.712
2048 234.5 1.723
2049 235.9 1.731
2050 237.3 1.738

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds21491-7206a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic