21120+2410 STT 430 (HD 201889)

21h 11m 59.52s +24° 10' 05.3" P.A. 193.00 sep 1.4 mag 8.27,10.34 Sp F9V dist. 53.76 pc (175.37 l.y.)
Coord 2000 21120+2410 Discov num STT 430 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 11 59.52 +24 10 05.3
Date first 1843 Date last 2017 Obs 43
Pa first 216 Pa last 192.7 P.A. Now (θ) 192.7°
Sep first 1.3 Sep last 1.429 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.429"
Mag pri 8.27 Mag sec 10.34 delta mag (ΔM) 2.07 Spectral class F9V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +440 Sec motion ra +440
Pri motion dec +109 Sec motion dec +109
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 201889 Constellation Vulpecula SAO 89522 HIP 104660
Tycho2 2173-01454-1 HD 201889 GC 29636 ADS 14738
BD BD+23 4264 Distance 53.76 Distance ly 175.37
Period (P)2504y± 459 Periastron (T)3132.4y± 290 Semi-major axis (a)4.094a± 0.491
Eccentricity (e)0.806± 0.018 Inclination (i)100.9°± 1.1 Longitude of periastron (ω)88.5°± 5
Node (Ω)113.3°± 5 Notes ReferencePkO2018b
Equinox Last observation Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 194.7 1.405
2001 194.6 1.405
2002 194.5 1.405
2003 194.3 1.406
2004 194.2 1.406
2005 194.0 1.406
2006 193.9 1.407
2007 193.8 1.407
2008 193.6 1.408
2009 193.5 1.408
2010 193.4 1.408
2011 193.2 1.409
2012 193.1 1.409
2013 193.0 1.410
2014 192.8 1.410
2015 192.7 1.410
2016 192.5 1.411
2017 192.4 1.411
2018 192.3 1.412
2019 192.1 1.412
2020 192.0 1.413
2021 191.9 1.413
2022 191.7 1.414
2023 191.6 1.414
2024 191.5 1.415
2025 191.3 1.415
2026 191.2 1.416
2027 191.1 1.416
2028 190.9 1.417
2029 190.8 1.417
2030 190.7 1.418
2031 190.5 1.418
2032 190.4 1.419
2033 190.3 1.419
2034 190.1 1.420
2035 190.0 1.420
2036 189.9 1.421
2037 189.7 1.422
2038 189.6 1.422
2039 189.5 1.423
2040 189.3 1.423
2041 189.2 1.424
2042 189.1 1.425
2043 188.9 1.425
2044 188.8 1.426
2045 188.7 1.426
2046 188.5 1.427
2047 188.4 1.428
2048 188.3 1.428
2049 188.1 1.429
2050 188.0 1.430

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds21120%2B2410a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic