00015+3044 HO 208 (HD 224882)

00h 01m 29.19s +30° 44' 08.7" P.A. 186.00 sep 1.1 mag 8.20,9.81 Sp G0IV dist. 117.79 pc (384.23 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00015+3044 Discov num HO  208 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 01 29.19 +30 44 08.7
Date first 1884 Date last 2016 Obs 42
Pa first 236 Pa last 185.6 P.A. Now (θ) 185.6°
Sep first 0.7 Sep last 1.108 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.108"
Mag pri 8.20 Mag sec 9.81 delta mag (ΔM) 1.61 Spectral class G0IV (yellow)
Pri motion ra -010 Sec motion ra -010
Pri motion dec -040 Sec motion dec -040
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 224882 Constellation Pegasus SAO 73691 HIP 114
Tycho2 2259-01286-1 Gaia DR2 2873358345368401792 HD 224882 ADS 17167
BD BD+29 5046 Distance 117.79 Distance ly 384.23
Period (P)649.641y± 319.4783 Periastron (T)2054.9367y± 19.0547 Semi-major axis (a)2.20987a± 1.67551
Eccentricity (e)0.77651± 0.18187 Inclination (i)103.903°± 8.166 Longitude of periastron (ω)76.124°± 12.674
Node (Ω)175.491°± 5.153 Notes ReferenceIzm2019
Equinox Last observation2015 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 193.0 1.086
2001 192.6 1.086
2002 192.3 1.085
2003 191.9 1.084
2004 191.6 1.082
2005 191.2 1.081
2006 190.9 1.079
2007 190.5 1.077
2008 190.2 1.075
2009 189.8 1.072
2010 189.5 1.070
2011 189.1 1.067
2012 188.7 1.063
2013 188.4 1.060
2014 188.0 1.056
2015 187.6 1.051
2016 187.3 1.047
2017 186.9 1.042
2018 186.5 1.036
2019 186.1 1.030
2020 185.7 1.024
2021 185.3 1.017
2022 184.9 1.010
2023 184.5 1.002
2024 184.1 0.994
2025 183.7 0.985
2026 183.3 0.976
2027 182.8 0.965
2028 182.4 0.954
2029 181.9 0.943
2030 181.5 0.930
2031 181.0 0.917
2032 180.5 0.903
2033 180.0 0.888
2034 179.5 0.871
2035 178.9 0.854
2036 178.3 0.836
2037 177.7 0.816
2038 177.1 0.795
2039 176.4 0.772
2040 175.7 0.748
2041 175.0 0.722
2042 174.2 0.694
2043 173.3 0.665
2044 172.3 0.633
2045 171.2 0.599
2046 170.0 0.563
2047 168.6 0.525
2048 167.0 0.484
2049 165.1 0.441
2050 162.7 0.396

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds00015%2B3044a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic