19464+3201 KAM 3 AB (HD 331161)

19h 46m 24.02s +32° 01' 00.4" P.A. 135.00 sep 5.7 mag 10.38,11.15 Sp M0.5V+M2V dist. 13.61 pc (44.4 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19464+3201 Discov num KAM   3 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 19 46 24.02 +32 01 00.4
Date first 1935 Date last 2019 Obs 105
Pa first 135 Pa last 135.3 P.A. Now (θ) 135.3°
Sep first 2.2 Sep last 5.744 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.744"
Mag pri 10.38 Mag sec 11.15 delta mag (ΔM) 0.77 Spectral class M0.5V+M2V (red/red)
Pri motion ra +465 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -393 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show HD 331161 19 46 24 +32 01 00 KAM 3 AB 2019 105 135 5.7 10.38 11.15 0.77 Y <===
Show 19 46 24 +32 01 00 HEL 3 AC 2002 5 169 15.8 10.38 14.90 4.52
Show 19 46 24 +32 00 57 HEL 3 BC 2015 12 194 11.0 11.15 14.90 3.75
Show 68825 19 46 24 +32 00 57 CRC 35 BD 2012 2 27 8.7 7.30
Show 19 46 24 +32 00 57 CRC 35 BE 2012 2 117 9.0 7.30
Quintuple system
5 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Name HD 331161 Constellation Cygnus HIP 97292 Tycho2 2660-04236-1
HD 331161 GL Gl 767A BD BD+31 3767 Distance 13.61
Distance ly 44.4
Period (P)639.0027y± 256.7156 Periastron (T)1903.6521y± 9.5438 Semi-major axis (a)4.46363a± 0.99007
Eccentricity (e)0.86843± 0.09415 Inclination (i)74.471°± 5.904 Longitude of periastron (ω)188.633°± 34.417
Node (Ω)138.511°± 6.056 Notesn ReferenceIzm2019
Equinox Last observation2015 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 134.3 5.148
2001 134.4 5.182
2002 134.4 5.217
2003 134.5 5.250
2004 134.5 5.284
2005 134.6 5.317
2006 134.7 5.350
2007 134.7 5.383
2008 134.8 5.416
2009 134.8 5.448
2010 134.9 5.480
2011 134.9 5.512
2012 135.0 5.543
2013 135.0 5.574
2014 135.0 5.605
2015 135.1 5.636
2016 135.1 5.667
2017 135.2 5.697
2018 135.2 5.727
2019 135.3 5.756
2020 135.3 5.786
2021 135.4 5.815
2022 135.4 5.844
2023 135.5 5.873
2024 135.5 5.901
2025 135.5 5.930
2026 135.6 5.958
2027 135.6 5.986
2028 135.7 6.013
2029 135.7 6.041
2030 135.7 6.068
2031 135.8 6.095
2032 135.8 6.122
2033 135.9 6.148
2034 135.9 6.174
2035 135.9 6.201
2036 136.0 6.226
2037 136.0 6.252
2038 136.1 6.278
2039 136.1 6.303
2040 136.1 6.328
2041 136.2 6.353
2042 136.2 6.377
2043 136.2 6.402
2044 136.3 6.426
2045 136.3 6.450
2046 136.4 6.474
2047 136.4 6.498
2048 136.4 6.521
2049 136.5 6.544
2050 136.5 6.567

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds19464%2B3201c.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic