19429+4043 STT 383 AB (HD 186465)

19h 42m 56.26s +40° 43' 18.3" P.A. 15.00 sep 0.8 mag 7.03,8.28 Sp B9.5V dist. 154.56 pc (504.17 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19429+4043 Discov num STT 383 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 19 42 56.26 +40 43 18.3
Date first 1843 Date last 2014 Obs 58
Pa first 25 Pa last 14.7 P.A. Now (θ) 14.7°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.783 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.783"
Mag pri 7.03 Mag sec 8.28 delta mag (ΔM) 1.25 Spectral class B9.5V (blue-white)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -007 Sec motion dec -007
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show HD 186465 48756 19 42 56 +40 43 18 STT 383 AB 2014 58 15 0.8 7.03 8.28 1.25 Y <===
Show 48756 19 42 56 +40 43 18 STT 383 AC 2002 10 99 45.2 7.03 11.60 4.57
Show 48756 19 42 56 +40 43 18 STT 383 AD 2002 5 43 68.1 7.03 12.45 5.42
Quadruple system
4 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Name HD 186465 Constellation Cygnus SAO 48756 HIP 97001
Tycho2 3140-01594-1 Gaia DR2 2076617550907389568 HD 186465 GC 27298
ADS 12831 BD BD+40 3856 Distance 154.56 Distance ly 504.17
Period (P)1125y± 186 Periastron (T)2176.5y± 7.6 Semi-major axis (a)0.893a± 0.104
Eccentricity (e)0.417± 0.089 Inclination (i)101°± 2 Longitude of periastron (ω)100.8°± 15.1
Node (Ω)15.1°± 1.2 Notes ReferencePkO2018b
Equinox Last observation Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 15.9 0.826
2001 15.9 0.824
2002 15.8 0.822
2003 15.7 0.820
2004 15.7 0.818
2005 15.6 0.816
2006 15.6 0.814
2007 15.5 0.812
2008 15.4 0.810
2009 15.3 0.808
2010 15.3 0.806
2011 15.2 0.804
2012 15.1 0.802
2013 15.1 0.799
2014 15.0 0.797
2015 14.9 0.795
2016 14.9 0.792
2017 14.8 0.790
2018 14.7 0.788
2019 14.7 0.785
2020 14.6 0.783
2021 14.5 0.780
2022 14.4 0.778
2023 14.4 0.775
2024 14.3 0.772
2025 14.2 0.770
2026 14.1 0.767
2027 14.1 0.764
2028 14.0 0.762
2029 13.9 0.759
2030 13.8 0.756
2031 13.8 0.753
2032 13.7 0.750
2033 13.6 0.747
2034 13.5 0.744
2035 13.4 0.741
2036 13.4 0.738
2037 13.3 0.735
2038 13.2 0.732
2039 13.1 0.729
2040 13.0 0.726
2041 12.9 0.722
2042 12.9 0.719
2043 12.8 0.716
2044 12.7 0.712
2045 12.6 0.709
2046 12.5 0.705
2047 12.4 0.702
2048 12.3 0.698
2049 12.2 0.695
2050 12.1 0.691

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds19429%2B4043a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic