19367-0117 J 118 (Iot Aql)

19h 36m 43.28s -01° 17' 11.6" P.A. 161.00 sep 45.4 mag 4.36,13.00 Sp B5III dist. 119.9 pc (391.11 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19367-0117 Discov num J   118 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 36 43.28 -01 17 11.6
Date first 1910 Date last 2010 Obs 7
Pa first 160 Pa last 160.6 P.A. Now (θ) 160.6°
Sep first 28.0 Sep last 45.42 Sep. Now (ρ) 45.42"
Mag pri 4.36 Mag sec 13.00 delta mag (ΔM) 8.64 Spectral class B5III (blue-white)
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -020 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name Iot Aql Common name Al Thalimain Post Var name NSV12201 Aql Constellation Aquila
SAO 143597 HIP 96468 Tycho2 5144-03103-1 Gaia DR2 4238245591376160768
HD 184930 HR 7447 GC 27103 ADS 12663
BD BD-01 3782 Bayer Iota Aquilae Bayer name Iot Aql Flamsteed 41 Aquilae
Flamsteed name 41 Aql Distance 119.9 Distance ly 391.11 Bayer greek ι Aql
Other names Al thalimain, Al Thalimain Posterior
Meaning the two ostriches