19118-5319 FIN 68 (HD 178533)

19h 11m 45.76s -53° 19' 22.0" P.A. 245.00 sep 0.5 mag 9.31,10.64 Sp G3V dist. 64.35 pc (209.91 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19118-5319 Discov num FIN  68 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 11 45.76 -53 19 22.0
Date first 1927 Date last 2021 Obs 9
Pa first 295 Pa last 245.4 P.A. Now (θ) 245.4°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.457 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.457"
Mag pri 9.31 Mag sec 10.64 delta mag (ΔM) 1.33 Spectral class G3V (yellow)
Pri motion ra +054 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -050 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 178533 Constellation Telescopium SAO 245963 HIP 94310
Tycho2 8760-01465-1 Gaia DR2 6644425564963881088 HD 178533 CP CP-53 9484
Distance 64.35 Distance ly 209.91
Period (P)116.4y± 2.7 Periastron (T)1961.6y± 4.5 Semi-major axis (a)0.405a± 0.021
Eccentricity (e)0.25± 0.03 Inclination (i)25.3°± 8.6 Longitude of periastron (ω)252.7°± 12.5
Node (Ω)171.2°± 9.7 Notesn ReferenceTok2021f
Equinox2000 Last observation2021 Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 201.4 0.457
2001 203.5 0.459
2002 205.6 0.461
2003 207.7 0.462
2004 209.8 0.463
2005 211.9 0.464
2006 213.9 0.465
2007 216.0 0.466
2008 218.0 0.466
2009 220.1 0.467
2010 222.1 0.467
2011 224.1 0.467
2012 226.2 0.467
2013 228.2 0.467
2014 230.3 0.466
2015 232.3 0.466
2016 234.3 0.465
2017 236.4 0.465
2018 238.5 0.464
2019 240.5 0.463
2020 242.6 0.462
2021 244.7 0.461
2022 246.8 0.460
2023 248.9 0.459
2024 251.0 0.457
2025 253.1 0.456
2026 255.3 0.455
2027 257.4 0.453
2028 259.6 0.452
2029 261.8 0.450
2030 264.0 0.449
2031 266.2 0.447
2032 268.4 0.446
2033 270.7 0.444
2034 272.9 0.442
2035 275.2 0.440
2036 277.5 0.439
2037 279.8 0.437
2038 282.1 0.435
2039 284.5 0.433
2040 286.9 0.431
2041 289.3 0.429
2042 291.7 0.427
2043 294.2 0.424
2044 296.7 0.422
2045 299.2 0.420
2046 301.7 0.417
2047 304.3 0.415
2048 306.9 0.412
2049 309.5 0.409
2050 312.2 0.406

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds19118-5319a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic