19098-2101 FIN 311 AB (Albaldah)
19h 09m 45.83s -21° 01' 24.7" P.A. 179.00 sep 0.1 mag 3.60,3.60 Sp F2II dist. 156.25 pc (509.69 l.y.)
Coord 2000 |
19098-2101 |
Discov num |
FIN 311 |
Comp |
AB |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
19 09 45.83 -21 01 24.7 |
Date first |
1936 |
Date last |
1989 |
Obs |
5 |
Pa first |
152 |
Pa last |
178.6 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
178.6° |
Sep first |
0.1 |
Sep last |
0.126 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
0.126" |
Mag pri |
3.60 |
Mag sec |
3.60 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
0 |
Spectral class |
F2II (yellow-white) |
Pri motion ra |
+000 |
Sec motion ra |
Pri motion dec |
-035 |
Sec motion dec |
Notes |
(See Notes, Dubious double) |
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show |
name |
coord |
wds_name |
last |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag1 |
mag2 |
d_mag |
orb |
current |
Show |
Albaldah |
187756 |
19 09 46 -21 01 25 |
FIN 311 AB |
1989 |
5 |
179 |
0.1 |
3.60 |
3.60 |
0.00 |
<=== |
Show |
Pi Sgr |
187756 |
19 09 46 -21 01 25 |
FIN 311 AB,C |
1939 |
3 |
136 |
0.3 |
3.00 |
6.00 |
3.00 |
Triple system
4 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Common name |
Albaldah |
Var name |
NSV11769 Sgr |
Constellation |
Sagittarius |
187756 |
94141 |
Tycho2 |
6295-00282-1 |
Gaia DR2 |
4082115215097592704 |
HD |
178524 |
HR |
7264 |
GC |
26386 |
BD |
BD-21 5275 |
Bayer |
Pi Sagittarii |
Bayer name |
Pi Sgr |
Flamsteed |
41 Sagittarii |
Flamsteed name |
41 Sgr |
FK5 |
720 |
Distance |
156.25 |
Distance ly |
509.69 |
Bayer greek |
π Sgr |
Meaning |
The name is originally from Arabic: ?????? al-balda ('town'). In the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, it is designated ??? ?????? nayyir al-baldah, translated into Latin as Lucida Oppidi ('brightest of the town') |