01559+0151 STF 186 (NSV667)

01h 55m 53.80s +01° 50' 59.6" P.A. 77.00 sep 0.6 mag 6.79,6.84 Sp G0V+F7V dist. 39.89 pc (130.12 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01559+0151 Discov num STF 186 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 55 53.80 +01 50 59.6
Date first 1825 Date last 2021 Obs 456
Pa first 240 Pa last 76.9 P.A. Now (θ) 78.2°
Sep first 1.4 Sep last 0.6 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.575"
Mag pri 6.79 Mag sec 6.84 delta mag (ΔM) 0.05 Spectral class G0V+F7V (yellow/yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +164 Sec motion ra +164
Pri motion dec +189 Sec motion dec +189
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Var name NSV667 Constellation Cetus SAO 110235 HIP 8998
Tycho2 0030-01344-1 Gaia DR2 2511415438379352192 HD 11803 HR 560
GC 2326 ADS 1538 BD BD+01 347 Distance 39.89
Distance ly 130.12
Period (P)167.4y± 3.2 Periastron (T)1893.6y± 3.2 Semi-major axis (a)1.043a± 0.037
Eccentricity (e)0.721± 0.061 Inclination (i)74.4°± 2.6 Longitude of periastron (ω)44°± 3.7
Node (Ω)220°± 0.7 Notesn ReferenceMsn2021c
Equinox Last observation2021 Grade2(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 61.6 1.028
2001 62.0 1.011
2002 62.5 0.993
2003 62.9 0.976
2004 63.4 0.958
2005 63.9 0.940
2006 64.4 0.921
2007 64.9 0.903
2008 65.4 0.884
2009 66.0 0.865
2010 66.6 0.845
2011 67.2 0.826
2012 67.9 0.806
2013 68.6 0.786
2014 69.3 0.765
2015 70.1 0.745
2016 70.9 0.724
2017 71.7 0.703
2018 72.6 0.682
2019 73.6 0.661
2020 74.6 0.640
2021 75.7 0.618
2022 76.9 0.597
2023 78.2 0.575
2024 79.6 0.554
2025 81.0 0.532
2026 82.6 0.510
2027 84.4 0.489
2028 86.3 0.468
2029 88.4 0.447
2030 90.7 0.426
2031 93.2 0.405
2032 96.0 0.386
2033 99.1 0.366
2034 102.5 0.348
2035 106.3 0.331
2036 110.5 0.315
2037 115.1 0.300
2038 120.2 0.287
2039 125.7 0.276
2040 131.6 0.268
2041 137.8 0.262
2042 144.2 0.259
2043 150.8 0.258
2044 157.2 0.261
2045 163.5 0.266
2046 169.5 0.273
2047 175.2 0.283
2048 180.4 0.294
2049 185.3 0.306
2050 189.8 0.318

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01559%2B0151c.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic