01443+5732 BU 870 AB (V773 Cas)

01h 44m 17.96s +57° 32' 11.8" P.A. 332.00 sep 0.6 mag 6.29,8.68 Sp A3V dist. 84.96 pc (277.14 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01443+5732 Discov num BU  870 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 01 44 17.96 +57 32 11.8
Date first 1880 Date last 2010 Obs 85
Pa first 69 Pa last 331.7 P.A. Now (θ) 331.7°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 0.569 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.569"
Mag pri 6.29 Mag sec 8.68 delta mag (ΔM) 2.39 Spectral class A3V (white)
Pri motion ra +046 Sec motion ra +046
Pri motion dec -024 Sec motion dec -024
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show V773 Cas 22566 01 44 18 +57 32 12 BU 870 AB 2010 85 332 0.6 6.29 8.68 2.39 Y <===
Show 22566 01 44 18 +57 32 12 GUI 2 AC 2015 5 57 18.3 6.29 16.00 9.71
Show 22566 01 44 18 +57 32 12 ARN 55 AD 2003 12 45 160.5 6.29 9.92 3.63
Quadruple system
4 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Var name V773 Cas Constellation Cassiopeia SAO 22566 HIP 8115
Tycho2 3679-02209-1 Gaia DR2 505874648421202688 HD 10543 HR 499
GC 2109 ADS 1359 BD BD+56 330 Distance 84.96
Distance ly 277.14
Period (P)184.9y± 2.7 Periastron (T)2021.8y± 2.1 Semi-major axis (a)0.911a± 0.065
Eccentricity (e)0.794± 0.05 Inclination (i)133.3°± 2.6 Longitude of periastron (ω)269.5°± 8.5
Node (Ω)125.4°± 4.3 Notesn ReferenceZas2017
Equinox Last observation2010 Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 346.4 0.726
2001 345.1 0.711
2002 343.8 0.695
2003 342.3 0.679
2004 340.8 0.662
2005 339.3 0.645
2006 337.6 0.626
2007 335.8 0.607
2008 333.9 0.586
2009 331.9 0.565
2010 329.7 0.542
2011 327.3 0.518
2012 324.7 0.492
2013 321.7 0.464
2014 318.4 0.435
2015 314.5 0.402
2016 310.0 0.367
2017 304.4 0.328
2018 297.2 0.284
2019 287.2 0.237
2020 271.9 0.187
2021 246.3 0.143
2022 208.0 0.130
2023 173.7 0.158
2024 152.7 0.206
2025 139.9 0.255
2026 131.2 0.302
2027 124.7 0.344
2028 119.6 0.382
2029 115.4 0.416
2030 111.8 0.448
2031 108.6 0.478
2032 105.8 0.505
2033 103.3 0.530
2034 101.0 0.554
2035 98.9 0.577
2036 97.0 0.598
2037 95.1 0.618
2038 93.4 0.637
2039 91.8 0.656
2040 90.3 0.673
2041 88.8 0.690
2042 87.5 0.706
2043 86.1 0.722
2044 84.9 0.737
2045 83.7 0.751
2046 82.5 0.765
2047 81.3 0.778
2048 80.3 0.791
2049 79.2 0.803
2050 78.2 0.815

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01443%2B5732a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic