14265+1557 CLO 1

14h 26m 31.62s +15° 57' 01.3" P.A. 344.00 sep 0.3 mag 16.15,17.55 Sp M8.5+L1
Coord 2000 14265+1557 Discov num CLO   1 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 26 31.62 +15 57 01.3
Date first 2001 Date last 2009 Obs 12
Pa first 344 Pa last 343.8 P.A. Now (θ) 343.8°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.323 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.323"
Mag pri 16.15 Mag sec 17.55 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class M8.5+L1 (red/very deep red)
Pri motion ra +108 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -056 Sec motion dec
Notes N O R (See Notes, Orbital solution, Red magnitudes)
This double is physical.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1229349348127595136
Period (P)19.85c± 20.43 Periastron (T)1998y± 24 Semi-major axis (a)2.273a± 1.56
Eccentricity (e)0.85± 0.26 Inclination (i)88.3°± 0.8 Longitude of periastron (ω)282°± 144
Node (Ω)344.8°± 0.4 Notesn ReferenceKon2010
Equinox2000 Last observation2009 Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 340.3 0.120
2001 341.1 0.144
2002 341.7 0.168
2003 342.2 0.191
2004 342.5 0.213
2005 342.8 0.235
2006 343.1 0.257
2007 343.3 0.277
2008 343.4 0.298
2009 343.6 0.317
2010 343.7 0.336
2011 343.9 0.354
2012 344.0 0.372
2013 344.1 0.389
2014 344.2 0.405
2015 344.2 0.421
2016 344.3 0.437
2017 344.4 0.451
2018 344.5 0.465
2019 344.5 0.479
2020 344.6 0.492
2021 344.7 0.505
2022 344.7 0.517
2023 344.8 0.529
2024 344.8 0.541
2025 344.9 0.551
2026 344.9 0.562
2027 345.0 0.572
2028 345.0 0.582
2029 345.0 0.592
2030 345.1 0.601
2031 345.1 0.610
2032 345.2 0.619
2033 345.2 0.627
2034 345.2 0.635
2035 345.3 0.643
2036 345.3 0.650
2037 345.3 0.658
2038 345.4 0.665
2039 345.4 0.671
2040 345.4 0.678
2041 345.5 0.684
2042 345.5 0.691
2043 345.5 0.697
2044 345.6 0.702
2045 345.6 0.708
2046 345.6 0.714
2047 345.7 0.719
2048 345.7 0.724
2049 345.7 0.729
2050 345.7 0.734

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds14265%2B1557a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic