00008+1659 BAG 18

00h 00m 48.09s +16° 59' 17.5" P.A. 334.00 sep 0.7 mag 8.79,12.60 Sp K0 dist. 31.59 pc (103.05 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00008+1659 Discov num BAG  18 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 00 48.09 +16 59 17.5
Date first 2001 Date last 2019 Obs 10
Pa first 37 Pa last 333.9 P.A. Now (θ) 333.9°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.72 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.72"
Mag pri 8.79 Mag sec 12.60 delta mag (ΔM) 3.81 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -100 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -316 Sec motion dec
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus SAO 108960 HIP 68 Tycho2 1178-01142-1
HD 224808 GC 33299 BD BD+16 5027 Distance 31.59
Distance ly 103.05
Period (P)66.62y Periastron (T)1990.25y Semi-major axis (a)0.531a
Eccentricity (e)0.372 Inclination (i)167.7° Longitude of periastron (ω)358.9°
Node (Ω)142.2° Notes ReferenceTok2019c
Equinox Last observation2018 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 48.0 0.463
2001 41.8 0.482
2002 36.1 0.502
2003 30.8 0.521
2004 25.9 0.540
2005 21.3 0.558
2006 17.0 0.575
2007 13.0 0.592
2008 9.1 0.607
2009 5.5 0.622
2010 2.0 0.636
2011 358.6 0.649
2012 355.4 0.661
2013 352.3 0.672
2014 349.3 0.682
2015 346.4 0.692
2016 343.5 0.700
2017 340.7 0.707
2018 338.0 0.713
2019 335.3 0.718
2020 332.6 0.722
2021 330.0 0.725
2022 327.3 0.727
2023 324.7 0.728
2024 322.1 0.728
2025 319.5 0.728
2026 316.9 0.726
2027 314.3 0.723
2028 311.6 0.719
2029 308.9 0.714
2030 306.2 0.708
2031 303.4 0.701
2032 300.6 0.693
2033 297.6 0.684
2034 294.6 0.674
2035 291.6 0.663
2036 288.4 0.651
2037 285.0 0.638
2038 281.6 0.625
2039 277.9 0.610
2040 274.1 0.594
2041 270.1 0.578
2042 265.8 0.560
2043 261.3 0.542
2044 256.4 0.524
2045 251.2 0.505
2046 245.6 0.485
2047 239.4 0.465
2048 232.8 0.445
2049 225.5 0.426
2050 217.5 0.407

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds00008%2B1659a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic