01154+5453 TDS 1817 (HD 7483)

01h 15m 23.52s +54° 53' 10.0" P.A. 33.00 sep 0.5 mag 11.09,11.46 dist. 47.66 pc (155.47 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01154+5453 Discov num TDS1817 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 15 23.52 +54 53 10.0
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 33 Pa last 32.8 P.A. Now (θ) 32.8°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.47 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.47"
Mag pri 11.09 Mag sec 11.46 delta mag (ΔM) 0.37 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec -005
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 7483 Spectr G5 Constellation Cassiopeia HIP 5881
Tycho2 3673-00363-1 Gaia DR2 411553700569051648 HD 7483 BD BD+36 212
Distance 47.66 Distance ly 155.47
Period (P)701.42d Periastron (T)51791.1d (2000.675y) Semi-major axis (a)7m± 1.5
Eccentricity (e)0.12 Inclination (i)149.1°± 11.4 Longitude of periastron (ω)313°
Node (Ω)222.8°± 5.8 Notesn ReferenceRen2013
Equinox2000 Last observation Grade9(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000-01-01 45.9 0.008
2001-01-01 199.4 0.006
2002-01-01 34.8 0.007
2003-01-01 184.6 0.006
2004-01-01 22.8 0.007
2005-01-01 169.5 0.006
2006-01-01 9.5 0.007
2007-01-01 154.3 0.006
2008-01-01 354.3 0.006
2009-01-01 139.2 0.006
2010-01-01 336.7 0.006
2011-01-01 124.4 0.007
2012-01-01 316.7 0.005
2013-01-01 110.5 0.007
2014-01-01 295.6 0.005
2015-01-01 97.4 0.007
2016-01-01 274.9 0.006
2017-01-01 85.2 0.007
2018-01-01 255.8 0.006
2019-01-01 73.8 0.007
2020-01-01 238.6 0.006
2021-01-01 62.8 0.008
2022-01-01 222.8 0.006
2023-01-01 52.0 0.008
2024-01-01 207.8 0.006
2025-01-01 41.1 0.007
2026-01-01 193.0 0.006
2027-01-01 29.7 0.007
2028-01-01 178.1 0.006
2029-01-01 17.2 0.007
2030-01-01 163.0 0.006
2031-01-01 3.2 0.006
2032-01-01 147.7 0.006
2033-01-01 347.0 0.006
2034-01-01 132.7 0.006
2035-01-01 328.3 0.006
2036-01-01 118.3 0.007
2037-01-01 307.6 0.005
2038-01-01 104.7 0.007
2039-01-01 286.5 0.005
2040-01-01 92.0 0.007
2041-01-01 266.4 0.006
2042-01-01 80.2 0.007
2043-01-01 248.1 0.006
2044-01-01 69.0 0.008
2045-01-01 231.6 0.006
2046-01-01 58.1 0.008
2047-01-01 216.2 0.006
2048-01-01 47.4 0.008
2049-01-01 201.4 0.006
2050-01-01 36.3 0.007

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01155%2B3745f.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
Period (P)1803d (4.94y)± 366 Periastron (T)48781d (1992.434y)± 322 Semi-major axis (a)22.8m± 5.4
Eccentricity (e)0.69± 0.17 Inclination (i)52°± 8 Longitude of periastron (ω)106°± 19
Node (Ω)138°± 12 Notes ReferenceGln2007
Equinox Last observation1991 Grade9(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000-01-01 77.2 0.026
2001-01-01 101.9 0.026
2002-01-01 141.3 0.014
2003-01-01 4.5 0.017
2004-01-01 49.6 0.022
2005-01-01 78.8 0.026
2006-01-01 103.5 0.026
2007-01-01 148.0 0.012
2008-01-01 8.2 0.017
2009-01-01 51.7 0.022
2010-01-01 80.4 0.026
2011-01-01 105.2 0.025
2012-01-01 157.8 0.009
2013-01-01 11.8 0.018
2014-01-01 53.9 0.023
2015-01-01 82.0 0.026
2016-01-01 106.9 0.025
2017-01-01 174.6 0.007
2018-01-01 15.2 0.018
2019-01-01 55.9 0.023
2020-01-01 83.6 0.026
2021-01-01 108.6 0.025
2022-01-01 208.9 0.005
2023-01-01 18.5 0.018
2024-01-01 57.9 0.023
2025-01-01 85.2 0.026
2026-01-01 110.5 0.024
2027-01-01 261.2 0.005
2028-01-01 21.6 0.019
2029-01-01 59.9 0.023
2030-01-01 86.7 0.026
2031-01-01 112.3 0.024
2032-01-01 294.2 0.007
2033-01-01 24.7 0.019
2034-01-01 61.9 0.024
2035-01-01 88.3 0.026
2036-01-01 114.3 0.023
2037-01-01 311.4 0.009
2038-01-01 27.6 0.019
2039-01-01 63.7 0.024
2040-01-01 89.8 0.026
2041-01-01 116.4 0.022
2042-01-01 322.4 0.011
2043-01-01 30.4 0.020
2044-01-01 65.6 0.024
2045-01-01 91.3 0.026
2046-01-01 118.6 0.022
2047-01-01 330.6 0.012
2048-01-01 33.1 0.020
2049-01-01 67.4 0.024
2050-01-01 92.9 0.026

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01241%2B5422s.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic