01014+1155 BU 867 (HD 5988)

01h 01m 21.77s +11° 54' 45.9" P.A. 352.00 sep 0.7 mag 8.23,9.34 Sp F5 dist. 70.47 pc (229.87 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01014+1155 Discov num BU  867 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 01 21.77 +11 54 45.9
Date first 1880 Date last 2015 Obs 65
Pa first 175 Pa last 352.4 P.A. Now (θ) 349.3°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 0.659 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.561"
Mag pri 8.23 Mag sec 9.34 delta mag (ΔM) 1.11 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +010 Sec motion ra +010
Pri motion dec +016 Sec motion dec +016
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 5988 Constellation Pisces SAO 92207 HIP 4775
Tycho2 0615-00473-1 Gaia DR2 2584078618511132160 HD 5988 GC 1226
ADS 828 BD BD+11 135 Distance 70.47 Distance ly 229.87
Period (P)232.04y± 18.15 Periastron (T)2012.72y± 9.12 Semi-major axis (a)0.813a± 0.009
Eccentricity (e)0.23± 0.01 Inclination (i)98.9°± 1 Longitude of periastron (ω)2.9°± 20.4
Node (Ω)354.2°± 0.4 Notesn ReferenceHrt2008
Equinox2000 Last observation2003 Grade3(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 359.1 0.566
2001 358.6 0.576
2002 358.1 0.585
2003 357.7 0.593
2004 357.3 0.601
2005 356.8 0.607
2006 356.4 0.613
2007 356.0 0.617
2008 355.6 0.621
2009 355.2 0.624
2010 354.8 0.625
2011 354.4 0.626
2012 354.0 0.626
2013 353.6 0.625
2014 353.2 0.623
2015 352.8 0.620
2016 352.4 0.616
2017 352.0 0.610
2018 351.6 0.605
2019 351.2 0.598
2020 350.7 0.590
2021 350.3 0.581
2022 349.8 0.572
2023 349.3 0.561
2024 348.8 0.550
2025 348.3 0.538
2026 347.8 0.525
2027 347.2 0.512
2028 346.6 0.498
2029 346.0 0.483
2030 345.3 0.468
2031 344.5 0.452
2032 343.8 0.435
2033 342.9 0.418
2034 342.0 0.401
2035 341.0 0.383
2036 339.9 0.365
2037 338.7 0.346
2038 337.3 0.328
2039 335.8 0.309
2040 334.1 0.290
2041 332.1 0.271
2042 329.8 0.252
2043 327.2 0.233
2044 324.1 0.214
2045 320.4 0.196
2046 316.0 0.179
2047 310.7 0.163
2048 304.3 0.148
2049 296.6 0.136
2050 287.6 0.126

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01014%2B1155a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic