00446-1856 HDS 99 Aa,Ab

00h 44m 37.15s -18° 56' 48.2" P.A. 316.00 sep 0.1 mag 11.46,11.74 Sp dM2 dist. 31.44 pc (102.56 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00446-1856 Discov num HDS  99 Comp Aa,Ab Coord arcsec 2000 00 44 37.15 -18 56 48.2
Date first 1991 Date last 2021 Obs 15
Pa first 13 Pa last 315.6 P.A. Now (θ) 273.6°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.11 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.166"
Mag pri 11.46 Mag sec 11.74 delta mag (ΔM) 0.28 Spectral class dM2
Pri motion ra +271 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +183 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 00 44 37 -18 56 48 HDS 99 Aa,Ab 2021 15 316 0.1 11.46 11.74 0.28 Y <===
Show 00 44 37 -18 56 48 LDS 3195 AB 2007 6 242 146.6 10.93 10.42 0.51
Show 00 44 37 -18 56 48 LDS 3195 AC 2015 7 240 35.4 10.74 15.90 5.16
Quadruple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Cetus HIP 3493 Tycho2 5849-00610-1 GL Gl 31.2A
BD BD-19 111 Distance 31.44 Distance ly 102.56
Period (P)8.667y± 0.065 Periastron (T)2011.977y± 0.023 Semi-major axis (a)132.4m± 1.2
Eccentricity (e)0.493± 0.01 Inclination (i)171.5°± 6.6 Longitude of periastron (ω)± 26
Node (Ω)66°± 25 Notesn ReferenceHor2017
Equinox2000 Last observation2015 Grade2(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 221.2 0.189
2001 201.4 0.164
2002 170.9 0.123
2003 98.8 0.073
2004 340.2 0.090
2005 291.3 0.141
2006 266.5 0.176
2007 248.5 0.194
2008 232.3 0.197
2009 215.2 0.183
2010 193.0 0.152
2011 154.7 0.105
2012 54.9 0.067
2013 318.6 0.108
2014 281.7 0.155
2015 260.1 0.184
2016 243.1 0.197
2017 226.9 0.194
2018 208.6 0.175
2019 183.2 0.138
2020 132.0 0.088
2021 11.8 0.074
2022 303.1 0.125
2023 273.6 0.166
2024 254.2 0.190
2025 237.7 0.198
2026 221.2 0.189
2027 201.4 0.164
2028 170.9 0.123
2029 99.0 0.073
2030 340.2 0.090
2031 291.3 0.141
2032 266.5 0.176
2033 248.5 0.194
2034 232.4 0.197
2035 215.2 0.183
2036 193.1 0.152
2037 154.8 0.105
2038 55.0 0.067
2039 318.6 0.108
2040 281.8 0.155
2041 260.1 0.184
2042 243.1 0.197
2043 226.9 0.194
2044 208.7 0.175
2045 183.2 0.138
2046 132.1 0.088
2047 12.0 0.074
2048 303.2 0.125
2049 273.7 0.166
2050 254.2 0.190

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds00446-1856a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic