06186+6744 HU 1119 (HD 42891)

06h 18m 37.52s +67° 43' 42.5" P.A. 243.00 sep 0.3 mag 8.99,9.76 Sp K0 dist. 47.39 pc (154.59 l.y.)
Coord 2000 06186+6744 Discov num HU 1119 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 06 18 37.52 +67 43 42.5
Date first 1905 Date last 1997 Obs 14
Pa first 45 Pa last 242.5 P.A. Now (θ) 242.5°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.26 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.26"
Mag pri 8.99 Mag sec 9.76 delta mag (ΔM) 0.77 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -126 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -037 Sec motion dec
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 42891 Constellation Camelopardalis SAO 13789 HIP 29974
Tycho2 4345-00558-1 Gaia DR2 1105242767712370560 HD 42891 ADS 4876
BD BD+67 420 Distance 47.39 Distance ly 154.59
Period (P)120.5y Periastron (T)1976.5y Semi-major axis (a)0.49a
Eccentricity (e)0.38 Inclination (i)85° Longitude of periastron (ω)131°
Node (Ω)50° Notes ReferenceHei1998
Equinox Last observation Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 240.7 0.212
2001 242.0 0.196
2002 243.7 0.178
2003 245.7 0.161
2004 248.2 0.144
2005 251.4 0.126
2006 255.6 0.109
2007 261.3 0.093
2008 269.4 0.077
2009 281.3 0.064
2010 298.1 0.055
2011 319.3 0.051
2012 340.2 0.055
2013 356.5 0.065
2014 7.9 0.079
2015 15.8 0.094
2016 21.3 0.111
2017 25.4 0.128
2018 28.5 0.146
2019 30.9 0.164
2020 32.8 0.182
2021 34.4 0.199
2022 35.8 0.217
2023 36.9 0.234
2024 37.9 0.252
2025 38.7 0.269
2026 39.5 0.286
2027 40.2 0.302
2028 40.8 0.319
2029 41.3 0.335
2030 41.8 0.350
2031 42.2 0.365
2032 42.7 0.380
2033 43.0 0.395
2034 43.4 0.409
2035 43.7 0.423
2036 44.1 0.436
2037 44.3 0.449
2038 44.6 0.461
2039 44.9 0.473
2040 45.1 0.485
2041 45.4 0.496
2042 45.6 0.506
2043 45.8 0.516
2044 46.0 0.526
2045 46.3 0.535
2046 46.5 0.543
2047 46.6 0.550
2048 46.8 0.558
2049 47.0 0.564
2050 47.2 0.570

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds06186%2B6744a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic