19401-0759 YSC 161 (HD 185588)

19h 40m 05.33s -07° 58' 45.6" P.A. 253.00 sep 0.1 mag 8.10,8.70 Sp G0 dist. 58.69 pc (191.45 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19401-0759 Discov num YSC 161 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 40 05.33 -07 58 45.6
Date first 2008 Date last 2021 Obs 18
Pa first 257 Pa last 253.4 P.A. Now (θ) 249.6°
Sep first 0.1 Sep last 0.064 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.087"
Mag pri 8.10 Mag sec 8.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.6 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +067 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -189 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 185588 Constellation Aquila SAO 143664 HIP 96754
Tycho2 5724-00957-1 Gaia DR2 4195035162353549184 HD 185588 GC 27202
BD BD-08 5062 Distance 58.69 Distance ly 191.45
Period (P)4.649y± 0.031 Periastron (T)2015.318y± 0.052 Semi-major axis (a)0.069a± 0.002
Eccentricity (e)0.622± 0.025 Inclination (i)95.1°± 0.9 Longitude of periastron (ω)309.7°± 3.6
Node (Ω)66.3°± 0.7 Notesn ReferenceTok2021f
Equinox2000 Last observation2021 Grade3(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 248.8 0.088
2001 243.3 0.041
2002 49.7 0.019
2003 258.2 0.042
2004 251.1 0.081
2005 247.6 0.082
2006 74.6 0.014
2007 314.7 0.008
2008 254.5 0.058
2009 249.8 0.087
2010 246.0 0.067
2011 61.4 0.032
2012 265.3 0.026
2013 252.4 0.072
2014 248.6 0.088
2015 242.4 0.034
2016 45.4 0.016
2017 257.4 0.044
2018 250.9 0.082
2019 247.4 0.081
2020 70.0 0.021
2021 297.0 0.010
2022 254.1 0.061
2023 249.6 0.087
2024 245.7 0.063
2025 60.1 0.031
2026 263.4 0.029
2027 252.1 0.074
2028 248.5 0.087
2029 240.9 0.027
2030 39.3 0.014
2031 256.8 0.047
2032 250.7 0.083
2033 247.2 0.079
2034 67.7 0.027
2035 285.6 0.012
2036 253.8 0.063
2037 249.5 0.088
2038 245.3 0.059
2039 58.5 0.029
2040 261.9 0.031
2041 251.9 0.076
2042 248.3 0.086
2043 238.3 0.019
2044 30.3 0.011
2045 256.2 0.050
2046 250.5 0.084
2047 247.0 0.077
2048 66.1 0.031
2049 278.2 0.015
2050 253.4 0.065

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds19401-0759a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic