20470+3828 ES 2054

20h 46m 56.92s +38° 28' 07.1" P.A. 192.00 sep 2.7 mag 10.62,12.60
Coord 2000 20470+3828 Discov num ES 2054 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 46 56.92 +38 28 07.1
Date first 1923 Date last 2015 Obs 4
Pa first 189 Pa last 192 P.A. Now (θ) 192°
Sep first 3.0 Sep last 2.711 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.711"
Mag pri 10.62 Mag sec 12.60 delta mag (ΔM) 1.98 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -010 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 3166-01092-1 Gaia DR2 2063392384540134656 ADS 14289
WDS 20470+3828 ES 2054 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Es_1901 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1901AN....155..321E
Es_1901 AN 155, 321, 1901 (ES 1 - 39)
Es_1902a Ma - Espin, T.E. 1902AN....158..241E
Es_1902a +Mb AN 158, 241, 1902 (ES 40 - 112)
Es_1902b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..528E
Es_1902b MNRAS 62, 528, 1902
Es_1902c Mb j Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..402E
Es_1902c MNRAS 62, 402, 1902
Es_1903 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1903MNRAS..63..172E
Es_1903 MNRAS 63, 172, 1903 (ES 113 - 150)
Es_1904a - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..238E
Es_1904a MNRAS 64, 238, 1904 (data superceded by MNRAS 65, 710, 1905) 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1904b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..675E
Es_1904b MNRAS 64, 675, 1904
Es_1905 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1905 MNRAS 65, 710, 1905 (ES 151 - 221)
Es_1906a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..141E
Es_1906a MNRAS 66, 141, 1906 (ES 222 - 269)
Es_1906b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..430E
Es_1906b MNRAS 66, 430, 1906 (ES 270 - 311)
Es_1906C Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906QB821.B972.....
Es_1906C cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
Es_1906D Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Es_1906D cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Es_1907a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..190E
Es_1907a MNRAS 67, 190, 1907 (ES 312 - 403)
Es_1907b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..495E
Es_1907b MNRAS 67, 495, 1907 (ES 404 - 442)
Es_1908a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..202E
Es_1908a MNRAS 68, 202, 1908 (ES 443 - 551)
Es_1908b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..523E
Es_1908b MNRAS 68, 523, 1908 (ES 552 - 609)
Es_1908c - Espin, T.E. 1908JRASC...2..248E
Es_1908c JRASC 2, 248, 1908 (data also in MNRAS 69, 218, 1909) 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a MNRAS 69, 218, 1909 (ES 610 - 704)
Es_1909b Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..604E
Es_1909b MNRAS 69, 604, 1909 (ES 705 - 743)
Es_1910a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..237E
Es_1910a MNRAS 70, 237, 1910 (ES 744 - 864)
Es_1910b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..541E
Es_1910b MNRAS 70, 541, 1910 (ES 865 - 927)
Es_1911 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1911MNRAS..71..217E
Es_1911 MNRAS 71, 217, 1911 (ES 928 - 1051)
Es_1912 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1912MNRAS..72..191E
Es_1912 MNRAS 72, 191, 1912 (ES 1052 - 1125)
Es_1913 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1913MNRAS..73..162E
Es_1913 MNRAS 73, 162, 1913 (ES 1126 - 1191)
Es_1914 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1914MNRAS..74..244E
Es_1914 MNRAS 74, 244, 1914 (ES 1192 - 1293)
Es_1915a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..203E
Es_1915a MNRAS 75, 203, 1915 (ES 1294 - 1356)
Es_1915b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..555E
Es_1915b MNRAS 75, 555, 1915 (ES 1357 - 1405)
Es_1915c Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..76..210E
Es_1915c MNRAS 76, 210, 1915 (ES 1406 - 1479)
Es_1917 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1917MNRAS..77..236E
Es_1917 MNRAS 77, 236, 1917 (ES 1480 - 1600)
Es_1918 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1918MNRAS..78..189E
Es_1918 MNRAS 78, 189, 1918 (ES 1601 - 1705, MLB 1 - 35)
Es_1919 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1919MNRAS..79..211E
Es_1919 MNRAS 79, 211, 1919 (ES 1706 - 1768, MLB 36 - 106)
Es_1920 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1920MNRAS..80..329E
Es_1920 MNRAS 80, 329, 1920 (ES 1769 - 1805, MLB 107 - 149)
Es_1921 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1921MNRAS..81..232E
Es_1921 MNRAS 81, 232, 1921 (ES 1806 - 1864, MLB 150 - 182)
Es_1922 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1922MNRAS..82..187E
Es_1922 MNRAS 82, 187, 1922 (ES 1865 - 1933, MLB 183 - 241)
Es_1923 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1923MNRAS..83..154E
Es_1923 MNRAS 83, 154, 1923 (ES 1934 - 2006, MLB 242 - 275)
Es_1924 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1924MNRAS..84..162E
Es_1924 MNRAS 84, 162, 1924 (ES 2007 - 2078, MLB 276 - 322)
Es_1925a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..85..276E
Es_1925a MNRAS 85, 276, 1925 (ES 2079 - 2137, MLB 323 - 376)
Es_1925b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..86...79E
Es_1925b MNRAS 86, 79, 1925
Es_1926 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1926MNRAS..86..131E
Es_1926 MNRAS 86, 131, 1926 (ES 2138 - 2209, MLB 377 - 440)
Es_1927 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1927MNRAS..87..215E
Es_1927 MNRAS 87, 215, 1927 (ES 2210 - 2273, MLB 441 - 510)
Es_1928 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1928MNRAS..88..185E
Es_1928 MNRAS 88, 185, 1928 (ES 2274 - 2328, MLB 511 - 551)
Es_1929 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1929MNRAS..89..268E
Es_1929 MNRAS 89, 268, 1929 (ES 2329 - 2362, MLB 552 - 591)
Es_1930 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1930MNRAS..90..317E
Es_1930 MNRAS 90, 317, 1930 (ES 2363 - 2400, MLB 592 - 630)
Es_1931 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1931MNRAS..91..294E
Es_1931 MNRAS 91, 294, 1931 (ES 2401 - 2444, MLB 631 - 673)
Es_1932a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932MNRAS..92..214E
Es_1932a MNRAS 92, 214, 1932 (ES 2445 - 2543, MLB 674 - 732)
Es_1932B Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932QB821.A43......
Es_1932B cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
Es_1933 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1933MNRAS..93..192E
Es_1933 MNRAS 93, 192, 1933 (ES 2544 - 2575, MLB 733 - 806)
Es_1937A Mb - Espin, T.E. 1937AnLei..18....1S
Es_1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20470+3828 ES 2054 1984 2 192 2.3 10.62 12.60 204656.92+382807.1
20470+3828 ES 2054 2011 3 192 2.8 10.62 12.60 204656.92+382807.1
20470+3828 ES 2054 2015 4 192 2.7 10.62 12.60 204656.92+382807.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20470+3828 ES 2054 : MEASURES
No records found.


20470+3828 ES 2054A mag 10.62 20470+3828 ES 2054B sep 2.7 P.A. 189.40 mag 12.6 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20470+3828 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 46m 56.92s +38° 28' 07.1"
WDS 20470+3828 ES 2054 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20470+3828  ES 2054 distance=1' 20461+3824  ALI 949 distance=12' 20476+3839  SEI1249 distance=14' 20478+3840  SEI1251 distance=16' 20476+3812  SEI1250 distance=19' 20450+3827  ALI 947 distance=23' 20470+3806  TDT2534 distance=23' 20471+3850  HJ 1575 distance=23' 20449+3839  ALI 951 distance=27' 20459+3852  COU2294 distance=27' 20461+3858  CRB  11 distance=32' 20453+3854  SEI1239 distance=33' 20498+3833  HJ 1582AB distance=34' 20498+3833  HJ 1582AC distance=34' 20440+3839  COU2292 distance=36' 20440+3838  TDT2506 distance=36' 20436+3834  BRT2232 distance=41' 20488+3754  TDT2557 distance=41' 20464+3747  SEI1244 distance=43' 20449+3908  SEI1236 distance=47' 20498+3900  MLB 983 distance=47' 20433+3847  GRV 371 distance=47' 20507+3807  SEI1275 distance=49' 20511+3837  SEI1281 distance=51' 20457+3917  SEI1241 distance=51' 20480+3917  A  1434AB distance=51' 20480+3917  A  1434AB,C distance=51' 20430+3850  ES 2053 distance=52' 20509+3855  SEI1278 distance=54' 20489+3919  TDT2558 distance=56' 20447+3739  SEI1232 distance=57' 20468+3730  ALI 674 distance=58' 20420+3827  AG  263 distance=58' 20472+3730  J  1210 distance=59' 20445+3921  HJ 1572 distance=60' 20518+3820  ES 2123AB distance=61' 20518+3820  ES 2123AC distance=61' 20490+3925  TDT2560 distance=62' 20493+3923  SEI1263AB distance=62' 20493+3923  ALI 952BC distance=62' 20493+3923  DAM  26BD distance=62' 20432+3749  ES 2122AB distance=62' 20432+3749  FYM 323AC distance=62' 20435+3919  SEI1229 distance=64' 20506+3740  SKF1925 distance=65' 20415+3818  TDT2473 distance=66' 20510+3915  SEI1279BC distance=67' 20510+3915  SEI1279AB distance=67' 20521+3758  RAO 442 distance=68' 20441+3927  ES 1981 distance=68' 20419+3752  TDT2478 distance=70' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20470+3828 ES 2054 192 2.7 1
Show 20461+3824 ALI 949 313 11.9 12
Show 20476+3839 SEI1249 69 27.8 14
Show 20478+3840 SEI1251 42 15.2 16
Show 20476+3812 SEI1250 18 17.3 19
Show 20450+3827 ALI 947 69 6.9 23
Show 20470+3806 TDT2534 138 0.6 23
Show 20471+3850 HJ 1575 51 14.9 23
Show 20449+3839 ALI 951 49 11.1 27
Show 20459+3852 COU2294 125 0.9 27
Show 20461+3858 CRB 11 272 10.8 32
Show 20453+3854 SEI1239 40 26.8 33
Show 20498+3833 HJ 1582 AB 45 17.4 34
Show 20498+3833 HJ 1582 AC 327 28.7 34
Show 20440+3839 COU2292 240 0.3 36
Show 20440+3838 TDT2506 23 2.9 36
Show 20436+3834 BRT2232 269 5.8 41
Show 20488+3754 TDT2557 237 0.7 41
Show 20464+3747 SEI1244 149 22.5 43
Show 20449+3908 SEI1236 318 27.4 47
Show 20498+3900 MLB 983 191 3.8 47
Show 20433+3847 GRV 371 180 65.5 47
Show 20507+3807 SEI1275 196 22.2 49
Show 20511+3837 SEI1281 102 8.6 51
Show 20457+3917 SEI1241 309 7.1 51
Show 20480+3917 A 1434 AB 178 0.0 51
Show 20480+3917 A 1434 AB,C 256 2.5 51
Show 20430+3850 ES 2053 223 4.5 52
Show 20509+3855 SEI1278 135 25.5 54
Show 20489+3919 TDT2558 191 1.1 56
Show 20447+3739 SEI1232 240 28.9 57
Show 20468+3730 ALI 674 328 13.0 58
Show 20420+3827 AG 263 70 1.6 58
Show 20472+3730 J 1210 247 3.9 59
Show 20445+3921 HJ 1572 280 15.6 60
Show 20518+3820 ES 2123 AB 102 5.2 61
Show 20518+3820 ES 2123 AC 327 37.4 61
Show 20490+3925 TDT2560 38 1.1 62
Show 20493+3923 SEI1263 AB 98 23.6 62
Show 20493+3923 ALI 952 BC 50 4.9 62
Show 20493+3923 DAM 26 BD 53 9.5 62
Show 20432+3749 ES 2122 AB 71 5.4 62
Show 20432+3749 FYM 323 AC 142 20.4 62
Show 20435+3919 SEI1229 156 19.6 64
Show 20506+3740 SKF1925 170 13.8 65
Show 20415+3818 TDT2473 169 0.6 66
Show 20510+3915 SEI1279 BC 189 7.3 67
Show 20510+3915 SEI1279 AB 147 12.9 67
Show 20521+3758 RAO 442 81 2.6 68
Show 20441+3927 ES 1981 310 4.5 68
Show 20419+3752 TDT2478 339 1.9 70

WDS 20470+3828 : COMPONENTS
B pa=189.4°
20470+3828 A
Componente originario normalizzato AB Coord arcsec 2000 204656.92+382807.1 Mag 10.62 PmRA -10.00
PmDE 1.0 Tycho2 3166-01092-1 ADS 14289 DM BD+37 4054
Tycho2 3166-01092-1 Pflag RAmdeg 311.73719560 DEmdeg 38.46865764
PmRA -9.5 PmDE 0.8 E RAmdeg 25 E DEmdeg 23
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1987.95 EpDEm 1988.57
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 4.7 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 4.7 BTmag 11.130 E BTmag 0.046 VTmag 10.619
E VTmag 0.043 Prox 713 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 311.73722944 DEdeg 38.46867917 EpRA 1990 1.64
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 29.6 E DEdeg 27.4 Posflg
Corr 0.1
20470+3828 B
Componente originario normalizzato AB Coord arcsec 2000 204656.88+382804.4 Mag 12.6 Calc delta mag 1.98
Calc coord yes