09576+5018 UC 1851 AC (HD 233688)

09h 57m 35.87s +50° 18' 10.3" P.A. 288.00 sep 120.0 mag 10.54,12.47 Sp K2
Coord 2000 09576+5018 Discov num UC 1851 Comp AC Coord arcsec 2000 09 57 35.87 +50 18 10.3
Date first 2000 Date last 2015 Obs 3
Pa first 288 Pa last 287.8 P.A. Now (θ) 287.8°
Sep first 120.3 Sep last 120 Sep. Now (ρ) 120"
Mag pri 10.54 Mag sec 12.47 delta mag (ΔM) 1.93 Spectral class K2 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -145 Sec motion ra -144
Pri motion dec -185 Sec motion dec -192
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.029 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 27440 09 57 36 +50 18 10 ES 720 AB 2016 9 93 3.4 10.54 13.90 3.36
Show HD 233688 27440 09 57 36 +50 18 10 UC 1851 AC 2015 3 288 120.0 10.54 12.47 1.93 <===
Show 09 57 24 +50 18 47 RAO 240 Ca,Cb 2016 2 0 0.7 12.40 13.40 1.00
Quadruple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Name HD 233688 Constellation Ursa Major SAO 27440 Tycho2 3439-00210-1
Gaia DR2 826686891294551552 HD 233688
WDS 09576+5018 UC 1851 AC (HD 233688) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Es_1901 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1901AN....155..321E
Es_1901 AN 155, 321, 1901 (ES 1 - 39)
Es_1902a Ma - Espin, T.E. 1902AN....158..241E
Es_1902a +Mb AN 158, 241, 1902 (ES 40 - 112)
Es_1902b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..528E
Es_1902b MNRAS 62, 528, 1902
Es_1902c Mb j Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..402E
Es_1902c MNRAS 62, 402, 1902
Es_1903 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1903MNRAS..63..172E
Es_1903 MNRAS 63, 172, 1903 (ES 113 - 150)
Es_1904a - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..238E
Es_1904a MNRAS 64, 238, 1904 (data superceded by MNRAS 65, 710, 1905) 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1904b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..675E
Es_1904b MNRAS 64, 675, 1904
Es_1905 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1905 MNRAS 65, 710, 1905 (ES 151 - 221)
Es_1906a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..141E
Es_1906a MNRAS 66, 141, 1906 (ES 222 - 269)
Es_1906b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..430E
Es_1906b MNRAS 66, 430, 1906 (ES 270 - 311)
Es_1906C Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906QB821.B972.....
Es_1906C cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
Es_1906D Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Es_1906D cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Es_1907a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..190E
Es_1907a MNRAS 67, 190, 1907 (ES 312 - 403)
Es_1907b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..495E
Es_1907b MNRAS 67, 495, 1907 (ES 404 - 442)
Es_1908a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..202E
Es_1908a MNRAS 68, 202, 1908 (ES 443 - 551)
Es_1908b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..523E
Es_1908b MNRAS 68, 523, 1908 (ES 552 - 609)
Es_1908c - Espin, T.E. 1908JRASC...2..248E
Es_1908c JRASC 2, 248, 1908 (data also in MNRAS 69, 218, 1909) 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a MNRAS 69, 218, 1909 (ES 610 - 704)
Es_1909b Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..604E
Es_1909b MNRAS 69, 604, 1909 (ES 705 - 743)
Es_1910a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..237E
Es_1910a MNRAS 70, 237, 1910 (ES 744 - 864)
Es_1910b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..541E
Es_1910b MNRAS 70, 541, 1910 (ES 865 - 927)
Es_1911 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1911MNRAS..71..217E
Es_1911 MNRAS 71, 217, 1911 (ES 928 - 1051)
Es_1912 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1912MNRAS..72..191E
Es_1912 MNRAS 72, 191, 1912 (ES 1052 - 1125)
Es_1913 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1913MNRAS..73..162E
Es_1913 MNRAS 73, 162, 1913 (ES 1126 - 1191)
Es_1914 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1914MNRAS..74..244E
Es_1914 MNRAS 74, 244, 1914 (ES 1192 - 1293)
Es_1915a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..203E
Es_1915a MNRAS 75, 203, 1915 (ES 1294 - 1356)
Es_1915b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..555E
Es_1915b MNRAS 75, 555, 1915 (ES 1357 - 1405)
Es_1915c Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..76..210E
Es_1915c MNRAS 76, 210, 1915 (ES 1406 - 1479)
Es_1917 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1917MNRAS..77..236E
Es_1917 MNRAS 77, 236, 1917 (ES 1480 - 1600)
Es_1918 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1918MNRAS..78..189E
Es_1918 MNRAS 78, 189, 1918 (ES 1601 - 1705, MLB 1 - 35)
Es_1919 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1919MNRAS..79..211E
Es_1919 MNRAS 79, 211, 1919 (ES 1706 - 1768, MLB 36 - 106)
Es_1920 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1920MNRAS..80..329E
Es_1920 MNRAS 80, 329, 1920 (ES 1769 - 1805, MLB 107 - 149)
Es_1921 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1921MNRAS..81..232E
Es_1921 MNRAS 81, 232, 1921 (ES 1806 - 1864, MLB 150 - 182)
Es_1922 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1922MNRAS..82..187E
Es_1922 MNRAS 82, 187, 1922 (ES 1865 - 1933, MLB 183 - 241)
Es_1923 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1923MNRAS..83..154E
Es_1923 MNRAS 83, 154, 1923 (ES 1934 - 2006, MLB 242 - 275)
Es_1924 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1924MNRAS..84..162E
Es_1924 MNRAS 84, 162, 1924 (ES 2007 - 2078, MLB 276 - 322)
Es_1925a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..85..276E
Es_1925a MNRAS 85, 276, 1925 (ES 2079 - 2137, MLB 323 - 376)
Es_1925b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..86...79E
Es_1925b MNRAS 86, 79, 1925
Es_1926 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1926MNRAS..86..131E
Es_1926 MNRAS 86, 131, 1926 (ES 2138 - 2209, MLB 377 - 440)
Es_1927 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1927MNRAS..87..215E
Es_1927 MNRAS 87, 215, 1927 (ES 2210 - 2273, MLB 441 - 510)
Es_1928 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1928MNRAS..88..185E
Es_1928 MNRAS 88, 185, 1928 (ES 2274 - 2328, MLB 511 - 551)
Es_1929 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1929MNRAS..89..268E
Es_1929 MNRAS 89, 268, 1929 (ES 2329 - 2362, MLB 552 - 591)
Es_1930 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1930MNRAS..90..317E
Es_1930 MNRAS 90, 317, 1930 (ES 2363 - 2400, MLB 592 - 630)
Es_1931 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1931MNRAS..91..294E
Es_1931 MNRAS 91, 294, 1931 (ES 2401 - 2444, MLB 631 - 673)
Es_1932a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932MNRAS..92..214E
Es_1932a MNRAS 92, 214, 1932 (ES 2445 - 2543, MLB 674 - 732)
Es_1932B Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932QB821.A43......
Es_1932B cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
Es_1933 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1933MNRAS..93..192E
Es_1933 MNRAS 93, 192, 1933 (ES 2544 - 2575, MLB 733 - 806)
Es_1937A Mb - Espin, T.E. 1937AnLei..18....1S
Es_1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
RAO Robo AO (Palomar 60" AO project or KPNO 2.1m) ......
RAO2014 Ag j Law, N.M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Ravichandran, G., Ziegler, C., 2014ApJ...791...35L
RAO2014 Johnson, J.A., Tendulkar, S.P., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H., Dekany, R., et al.
RAO2014 ApJ 791, 35, 2014
RAO2014 (separation/magnitude difference limits estimated from their Figure 4)
RAO2015 Ag u Riddle, R.L., Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Roberts, L.C., Jr., 2015ApJ...799....4R
RAO2015 +orb Baranec, C., Law, N.M., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H.K., Dekany, R.G.,
RAO2015 Kulkarni, S., Punnadi, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., & Tendulkar, S.P.
RAO2015 ApJ 799, 4, 2015
RAO2015 (Note: Paper includes separation/magnitude difference limits for all stars
RAO2015 observed. These limits have been added to the Interferometric Catalog even for
RAO2015 resolved pairs, to indicate restrictions on any potential additional components.)
RAO2015b A j Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L., & Fuchs, J.T. 2015ApJ...804...30Z
RAO2015b +Ag ApJ 804, 30, 2015
RAO2016 Ag j Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Morton, T., Riddle, R.L., Atkinson, D., 2016AJ....152...18B
RAO2016 Schonhut, J., & Crepp, J.
RAO2016 AJ 152, 18, 2016
RAO2017 Ag j Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Nicholas, M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L., 2017AJ....153...66Z
RAO2017 +A Atkinson, D., Baker, A., Roberts, S., & Ciardi, D.R.
RAO2017 AJ 153, 66, 2017
RAO2017b Ag j Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Baranec, C., Huber, D., Ziegler, C., Atkinson, D., Gaidos, 2017ApJ...847...97S
RAO2017b E., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Hagelberg, J., van der Marel, N., & Hodapp, K.W.
RAO2017b ApJ 847, 97, 2017
RAO2018 Ag j Hillenbrand, L.A., Zhang, C., Riddle, R.L., Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M. & 2018AJ....155...51H
RAO2018 Stauffer, J.
RAO2018 AJ 155, 51, 2018
RAO2018 (Note: Precise date of observation not given. Pleiades assume mean Nov observing
RAO2018 date of 2014.86. Other targets given mean date of 2014.91.)
RAO2018b Ag j Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Duev, D.A., Howard, W., 2018AJ....155..161Z
RAO2018b Jensen-Clem, R., Kulkarni, S.R., Morton, T. & Salama, M.
RAO2018b AJ 155, 161, 2018
RAO2018c Hg j Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Morton, T., Riddle, R., De Lee, N., Huber, D., 2018AJ....156..259Z
RAO2018c Mahadevan, S. & Pepper, J.
RAO2018c AJ 156, 259, 2018
RAO2019 Ag j Bowler, B.P., Hinkley, S., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Gizis, J.E., Law, N.M., Liu, 2019ApJ...877...60B
RAO2019 M.C., Shah, V.S., Shkolnik, E.L., Riaz, B. & Riddle, R.
RAO2019 ApJ 877, 60, 2019
RAO2020a Ag j Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Huber, D., Baranec, C., Lamman, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, 2020ApJ...883...34S
RAO2020a R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R. & Law, N.M.
RAO2020a ApJ 883, 34, 2020
RAO2020b Ag+ j Lamman, C., Baranec, C., Berta-Thompson, Z.K., Law, N.M., Schonhut-Stasik, J., 2020AJ....159..139L
RAO2020b +A Ziegler, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R.,
RAO2020b Winters, J.G. & Irwin, J.M.
RAO2020b AJ 159, 139, 2020
RAO2020c Ag j Laos, S., Stassun, K.G. & Mathieu, R.D. 2020ApJ...902..107L
RAO2020c ApJ 902, 107, 2020
RAO2021 Ag j Salama, M., Ou, J., Barance, C., Liu, M.C., Bowler, B.P., Barnes, P., Bonnet, M., 2021AJ....162..102S
RAO2021 Chun, M., Duev, D.A., Goebel, S., Hall, D., Jacobson, S., Jensen-Clem, R., Law,
RAO2021 N.M., Lockhart, C., Riddle, R., Situ, H., Warmbier, E. & Zhang, Z.
RAO2021 AJ 162, 102, 2021
RAO2022 Ag j Salama, M., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Liu, M.C., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Henry, 2022AJ....163..200S
RAO2022 T.J., Winters, J.G., Jao, W.-C., Ou, J. & Ruiz, A.H.
RAO2022 AJ 163, 200, 2022
UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4) ...................
UC_2013a Eu j Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G., 2013AJ....145...44Z
UC_2013a & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
UC_2013a AJ 145, 44, 2013
UC_2013b Eu j Hartkopf, W.I., Mason, B.D., Finch, C.T., Zacharias, N., Wycoff, G.L., & Hsu, D. 2013AJ....146...76H
UC_2013b AJ 146, 76, 2013 (UC 301 - 5058)
UC_2013b (Relative astrometry is derived from individual measurements, not precessed means.
UC_2013b UCAC aperture magnitudes are listed, unless the duplicity flag indicates a blended
UC_2013b image (a flag value of 30 or higher). Model fit magnitudes are given for both
UC_2013b components if either has such a flag. Model fit magnitudes are indicated by the
UC_2013b letter "f" following the filter information.
UC_2013b APASS photometry extracted from UCAC4 catalog is listed under reference AAV2012.
UC_2013b Due to aperture method used, APASS photometry is only included for pairs wider
UC_2013b than 10" (Henden, private comm.) Photometry for pairs wider than 10" which showed
UC_2013b identical values for both components in all filters were removed, as well.
UC_2015 Eu - Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C., 2015AJ....150..101Z
UC_2015 DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
UC_2015 Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
UC_2015 AJ 150, 101, 2015
UC_9999 Eu - temporary UCAC files ...................
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09576+5018 UC 1851 AC 2000 2 288 120.3 10.54 12.50 K2 V 095735.87+501810.3
09576+5018 UC 1851 AC 2003 2 288 120.1 10.54 12.50 K2 V 095735.87+501810.3
09576+5018 UC 1851 AC 2015 3 288 120.0 10.54 12.47 K2 V 095735.87+501810.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09576+5018 UC 1851 AC (HD 233688) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 09576+5018 (HD 233688) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

09576+5018 ES  720A mag 10.54 Sp K2 09576+5018 ES  720B sep 2.2 P.A. 94.40 mag 13.9 09576+5018 RAO 240C sep 120.2 P.A. 288.00 mag 12.4 09576+5018 RAO 240Cb sep 120.4 P.A. 288.30 mag 13.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09576+5018 (HD 233688) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 57m 35.87s +50° 18' 10.3"
WDS 09576+5018 UC 1851 AC (HD 233688) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09576+5018  UC 1851AC distance=0' 09576+5018  RAO 240Ca,Cb distance=3' 09568+5015  DAM1863 distance=9' 09545+5001  AZC 158 distance=35' 09556+5056  SLW 406 distance=43' 09533+5037  STT 209 distance=46' 10009+4938  UC 1861 distance=52' 10032+5007  BU 1424BC distance=56' 10032+5007  BU 1424AB distance=56' 09560+5111  STF1391AB distance=56' 10028+4953  HDS1450Aa,Ab distance=57' 10028+4953  HJ 2515AB distance=57' 10023+4940  HU  725 distance=60' 09566+5122  RAO 239 distance=65' 10044+5023  REB   1 distance=65' 09519+4937  SKF 793 distance=69' 09506+4954  HJ 2508 distance=71' 09505+5043  LDS3934 distance=73' 09499+5017  CBL 290 distance=74' 10007+4904  HDS1445 distance=80' 10053+5057  SLW 431 distance=83' 09598+4858  WIS 164 distance=83' 10018+5134  LDS2849 distance=86' 10017+5135  CVR  98 distance=86' 09554+4846  DAM 278 distance=95' 10075+4949  DAM2022 distance=100' 10020+5150  HDS1447 distance=101' 10073+4942  TDS7033 distance=101' 10061+5119  CVR1264 distance=102' 09491+4918  CVR1245 distance=102' 09476+5057  HU  630 distance=103' 09550+4834  CBL  40 distance=107' 09464+5036  LDS3923 distance=110' 09460+4952  UC  137 distance=115' 09455+5026  TDS6788 distance=116' 09457+4953  NSN 597 distance=118' 10082+5122  TDS7051 distance=119' 10101+5038  DAM2083 distance=121' 10028+4828  CRC  58 distance=122' 10059+5156  HJ 5543 distance=123' 10104+5037  TDS7078 distance=124' 10059+5154  HJ 2518 distance=125' 09477+5141  SLW 391 distance=125' 10107+4952  UC  152 distance=130' 10103+4930  YR   14 distance=132' 09503+4828  TDS6845 distance=132' 10037+4820  UC 1874 distance=133' 09541+4809  ES  602 distance=135' 09519+4810  TDS6863 distance=141' 09429+5035  HU  629 distance=142' 10114+4927  ENG  42AB distance=143' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09576+5018 ES 720 AB 93 3.4
Show 09576+5018 UC 1851 AC 288 120.0
Show 09576+5018 RAO 240 Ca,Cb 0.7 3
Show 09568+5015 DAM1863 32 1.0 9
Show 09545+5001 AZC 158 85 13.8 35
Show 09556+5056 SLW 406 265 89.0 43
Show 09533+5037 STT 209 309 4.9 46
Show 10009+4938 UC 1861 109 7.4 52
Show 10032+5007 BU 1424 BC 355 10.6 56
Show 10032+5007 BU 1424 AB 227 26.1 56
Show 09560+5111 STF1391 AB 316 13.4 56
Show 10028+4953 HDS1450 Aa,Ab 98 0.8 57
Show 10028+4953 HJ 2515 AB 9 56.1 57
Show 10023+4940 HU 725 155 0.7 60
Show 09566+5122 RAO 239 346 0.5 65
Show 10044+5023 REB 1 209 16.1 65
Show 09519+4937 SKF 793 74 169.7 69
Show 09506+4954 HJ 2508 306 13.4 71
Show 09505+5043 LDS3934 189 19.9 73
Show 09499+5017 CBL 290 311 21.2 74
Show 10007+4904 HDS1445 170 0.2 80
Show 10053+5057 SLW 431 4 10.8 83
Show 09598+4858 WIS 164 309 999.9 83
Show 10018+5134 LDS2849 147 10.5 86
Show 10017+5135 CVR 98 133 10.1 86
Show 09554+4846 DAM 278 140 6.4 95
Show 10075+4949 DAM2022 232 6.6 100
Show 10020+5150 HDS1447 22 0.2 101
Show 10073+4942 TDS7033 161 0.4 101
Show 10061+5119 CVR1264 120 3.6 102
Show 09491+4918 CVR1245 96 3.9 102
Show 09476+5057 HU 630 74 2.2 103
Show 09550+4834 CBL 40 303 9.9 107
Show 09464+5036 LDS3923 192 11.3 110
Show 09460+4952 UC 137 251 26.9 115
Show 09455+5026 TDS6788 1.6 116
Show 09457+4953 NSN 597 221 1.2 118
Show 10082+5122 TDS7051 220 1.0 119
Show 10101+5038 DAM2083 53 2.8 121
Show 10028+4828 CRC 58 306 0.2 122
Show 10059+5156 HJ 5543 313 41.3 123
Show 10104+5037 TDS7078 128 0.5 124
Show 10059+5154 HJ 2518 99 32.1 125
Show 09477+5141 SLW 391 171 10.4 125
Show 10107+4952 UC 152 124 14.7 130
Show 10103+4930 YR 14 236 0.4 132
Show 09503+4828 TDS6845 342 2.4 132
Show 10037+4820 UC 1874 299 56.4 133
Show 09541+4809 ES 602 32 3.6 135
Show 09519+4810 TDS6863 327 0.5 141
Show 09429+5035 HU 629 198 0.3 142

WDS 09576+5018 : COMPONENTS
  A B C
B pa=94.4°
C pa=288.0°
Cb pa=288.3°
09576+5018 A
Coord arcsec 2000 095735.87+501810.3 Mag 10.54 Spectral class K2 (yellow-orange) PmRA -145.00
PmDE -185.0 SAO 27440 Tycho2 3439-00210-1 HD 233688
ADS 7590 DM BD+50 1701
Tycho2 3439-00210-1 Pflag RAmdeg 149.39949038 DEmdeg 50.30287838
PmRA -141.1 PmDE -185.3 E RAmdeg 26 E DEmdeg 23
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1985.67 EpDEm 1985.52
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 1.7 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 1.7
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 11.414 E BTmag 0.056 VTmag 10.539
E VTmag 0.039 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 149.39998611 DEdeg 50.30329806 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 29.2 E DEdeg 28.6 Posflg
Corr 0.2
SAO 27440 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0132
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.185 Vmag 9.4 SpType K2
Double code Source 37 CatNum 3517 DM BD+50 1701
DMcomp BDsup HD 233688 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 2.59336062 DE1950rad 0.88215995 PmRA2000 -0.013
PmDE2000 -0.18
Ccdm 09576+5018 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -0.17 DDEs 9.5
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.4 Sp K PmNote *
PmRA -145 PmDE -195 Dm number +50 1701 Cat1 BD
Name2 +50 823 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 233688 M HD
ADS BDS A 7590 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 09511N5047A
09576+5018 B
Coord arcsec 2000 095736.10+501810.1 Mag 13.9 PmRA -98.00 PmDE -189.0
Calc delta mag 3.36 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 09576+5018 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num ES 720 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1909 Theta 091 Rho 2.7
Obs 4 Vmag 13.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A 7590 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 09511N5047B
09576+5018 C
Coord arcsec 2000 095723.94+501847.4 Coord calc 095728.25+501847.0 Mag 12.4 Mag composta 12.47
PmRA -144.00 PmDE -192.0 Calc delta mag 1.86
09576+5018 Cb
Coord arcsec 2000 095723.94+501848.1 Mag 13.4 Calc delta mag 2.86 Calc coord yes