18064-2525 RCH 6

18h 06m 24.39s -25° 25' 35.3" P.A. 208.00 sep 2.3 mag 7.30,10.10
Coord 2000 18064-2525 Discov num RCH   6 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 06 24.39 -25 25 35.3
Date first 2009 Date last 2009 Obs 1
Pa first 208 Pa last 208 P.A. Now (θ) 208°
Sep first 2.3 Sep last 2.3 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.3"
Mag pri 7.30 Mag sec 10.10 delta mag (ΔM) 2.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +012 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +017 Sec motion dec
Notes K (K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Sagittarius Gaia DR2 4065677374554515584
WDS 18064-2525 RCH 6 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Rch1994a O j Richichi, A., Calamai, G. & Leinert, Ch. 1994A&A...286..829R
Rch1994a A&A 286, 829, 1994
Rch1994b O j Richichi, A., Leinert, Ch., Jameson, R. & Zinnecker, H. 1994A&A...287..145R
Rch1994b A&A 287, 145, 1994
Rch1996 O j Richichi, A., Calamai, G., Leinert, Ch., Stecklum, B. & Trunkovsky, E. 1996A&A...309..163R
Rch1996 A&A 309, 163, 1996
Rch1997 O j Richichi, A., Calamai, G., Leinert, Ch. & Stecklum, B. 1997A&A...322..202R
Rch1997 A&A 322, 202, 1997
Rch1999a Si j Richichi, A., Koehler, R., Woitas, J., & Leinert, Ch. 1999A&A...346..501R
Rch1999a +O A&A 346, 501, 1999
Rch1999b O j Richichi, A., Ragland, S., Calamai, G., Baffa, C., Stecklum, B., & Richter, S. 1999A&A...350..491R
Rch1999b A&A 350, 491, 1999
Rch2000a O j Richichi, A., Ragland, S., Calamai, G., Richter, S., & Stecklum, B. 2000A&A...361..594R
Rch2000a A&A 361, 594, 2000
Rch2000b O j Richichi, A. 2000A&A...364..225R
Rch2000b A&A 364, 225, 2000
Rch2000c O - Richichi, A. & Leinert, C. 2000IAUS..200P..83R
Rch2000c IAU Symp. 200, 83, 2000
Rch2002 O j Richichi, A., Calamai, G., & Stecklum, B. 2002A&A...382..178R
Rch2002 A&A 382, 178, 2002
Rch2008a O - Richichi, A., Fors, O., Mason, E., Stegmeier, J., & Chandrasekhar, T. 2008A&A...489.1399R
Rch2008a A&A 489, 1399, 2008
Rch2008b O - Richichi, A., Fors, O., & Mason, E. 2008A&A...489.1441R
Rch2008b A&A 489, 1441, 2008
Rch2010 O j Richichi, A., Fors, O., Chen, W.-P., & Mason, E. 2010A&A...522A..65R
Rch2010 A&A 522, A65, 2010
Rch2011 O j Richichi, A., Chen, W.P., Fors, O., & Wang, P.F. 2011A&A...532A.101R
Rch2011 A&A 532, A101, 2011
Rch2012 O j Richichi, A., Chen, W.-P., Cusano, F., Fors, O., Moerchen, M., & Komonjinda, S. 2012A&A...541A..96R
Rch2012 A&A 541, A96, 2012
Rch2012b O j Richichi, A., Fors, O., Cusano, F., & Moerchen, M. 2012ApJS..203...33R
Rch2012b ApJS 203, 33, 2012
Rch2013 O j Richichi, A., Fors, O., Cusano, F., & Moerchen, M. 2013AJ....146...59R
Rch2013 AJ 146, 59, 2013
Rch2014 O j Richichi, A., Fors, O., Cusano, F., & Ivanov, V.D. 2014AJ....147...57R
Rch2014 AJ 147, 57, 2014
Rch2014b O j Richichi, A., Irawati, P., Soonthornthum, B., Dhillon, V.S., & Marsh, T.R. 2014AJ....148..100R
Rch2014b AJ 148, 100, 2014
Rch2016 O j Richichi, A., Tasuya, O., Irawati, P., Soonthornthum, B., Dhillon, V.S., & 2016AJ....151...10R
Rch2016 Marsh, T.R.
Rch2016 AJ 151, 10, 2016
Rch2017 O j Richichi, A., Tasuya, O., Irawati, P., & Yadav, R.K. 2017AJ....154..215R
Rch2017 AJ 154, 215, 2017
Rch2020 O j Richichi, A., Sharma, S., Sinha, T., Pandey, R., Ghosh, A., Ojha, D.K. & 2020MNRAS.498.2263R
Rch2020 Pandey, A.K.
Rch2020 MNRAS 498, 2263, 2020
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18064-2525 RCH 6 2009 1 208 2.3 7.33 10.14 K 180624.39-252535.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

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WDS 18064-2525 RCH 6 : MEASURES
No records found.


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