23522+6427 TDT 4246 Aa,Ab

23h 52m 12.78s +64° 26' 51.6" P.A. 352.00 sep 0.5 mag 10.79,10.98
Coord 2000 23522+6427 Discov num TDT4246 Comp Aa,Ab Coord arcsec 2000 23 52 12.78 +64 26 51.6
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 352 Pa last 352.4 P.A. Now (θ) 352.4°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.52 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.52"
Mag pri 10.79 Mag sec 10.98 delta mag (ΔM) 0.19 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -006 Sec motion ra -005
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -004
Notes N (See Notes)
rPM=0.139 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 23 52 13 +64 26 52 TDT 4246 Aa,Ab 1991 1 352 0.5 10.79 10.98 0.19 <===
Show 23 52 13 +64 26 52 MLB 236 AB 2016 10 153 4.8 10.23 11.80 1.57
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 4289-00799-1 Gaia DR2 2017200384922291840
WDS 23522+6427 TDT 4246 Aa,Ab : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
MLB 236 Aka STI1226.
refcode metd author reference
Mlb1918 Mb - Milburn, W. (Espin, T.E.) 1918MNRAS..78..189E
Mlb1918 MNRAS 78, 189, 1918 (MLB 1 - 35; measures by Espin)
Mlb1919 Mb - Milburn, W. (Espin, T.E.) 1919MNRAS..79..211E
Mlb1919 MNRAS 79, 211, 1919 (MLB 36 - 106; measures by Espin)
Mlb1920 Mb - Milburn, W. 1920MNRAS..80..329M
Mlb1920 MNRAS 80, 329, 1920 (MLB 107 - 149)
Mlb1921 Mb - Milburn, W. 1921MNRAS..81..232E
Mlb1921 MNRAS 81, 232, 1921 (MLB 150 - 182)
Mlb1922 Mb j Milburn, W. (Espin, T.E.) 1922MNRAS..82..187E
Mlb1922 MNRAS 82, 187, 1922 (MLB 183 - 241; measures by Espin)
Mlb1923 Mb - Milburn, W. 1923MNRAS..83..154E
Mlb1923 MNRAS 83, 154, 1923 (MLB 242 - 275)
Mlb1924 Mb - Milburn, W. 1924MNRAS..84..162E
Mlb1924 MNRAS 84, 162, 1924 (MLB 276 - 322)
Mlb1925 Mb j Milburn, W. 1925MNRAS..85..276E
Mlb1925 MNRAS 85, 276, 1925 (MLB 323 - 376)
Mlb1926 Mb - Milburn, W. 1926MNRAS..86..131E
Mlb1926 MNRAS 86, 131, 1926 (MLB 377 - 440)
Mlb1927 Mb j Milburn, W. 1927MNRAS..87..215E
Mlb1927 +Po MNRAS 87, 215, 1927 (MLB 441 - 510)
Mlb1928 Mb - Milburn, W. 1928MNRAS..88..185E
Mlb1928 MNRAS 88, 185, 1928 (MLB 511 - 551)
Mlb1929 Mb - Milburn, W. 1929MNRAS..89..268E
Mlb1929 MNRAS 89, 268, 1929 (MLB 552 - 591)
Mlb1930 Mb - Milburn, W. 1930MNRAS..90..317E
Mlb1930 MNRAS 90, 317, 1930 (MLB 592 - 630)
Mlb1931 Mb j Milburn, W. 1931MNRAS..91..294E
Mlb1931 MNRAS 91, 294, 1931 (MLB 631 - 673)
Mlb1932 Ma - Milburn, W. 1932MNRAS..92..214E
Mlb1932 +Mb MNRAS 92, 214, 1932 (MLB 674 - 732)
Mlb1932B Ma - Milburn, W. 1932QB821.A43......
Mlb1932B cited by ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat., 1932)
Mlb1933 Ma j Milburn, W. 1933MNRAS..93..192E
Mlb1933 +Mb MNRAS 93, 192, 1933 (MLB 733 - 806)
Mlb1934 Mb j Milburn, W. 1934MNRAS..94..255M
Mlb1934 MNRAS 94, 255, 1934 (MLB 807 - 912)
Mlb1935 Mb j Milburn, W. 1935MNRAS..95..298M
Mlb1935 MNRAS 95, 298, 1935 (MLB 913 - 969)
Mlb1936 Mb - Milburn, W. 1936MNRAS..96..266M
Mlb1936 MNRAS 96, 266, 1936 (MLB 970 - 997)
Mlb1937 Ma - Milburn, W. 1937MNRAS..97..222M
Mlb1937 +Mb MNRAS 97, 222, 1937 (MLB 998 - 1025)
Mlb1938 Ma - Milburn, W. 1938MNRAS..98..223M
Mlb1938 +Mb MNRAS 98, 223, 1938 (MLB 1026 - 1032)
Mlb1939 Mb - Milburn, W. 1939MNRAS..99..278M
Mlb1939 MNRAS 99, 278, 1939 (MLB 1033 - 1051)
Mlb9999 Mb - Milburn, W. ...................
Mlb9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23522+6427 TDT4246 Aa,Ab 1991 1 352 0.5 10.79 10.98 235212.79+642651.5

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