22173-0847 LDS 782 AB

22h 17m 18.96s -08° 48' 12.3" P.A. 216.00 sep 7.9 mag 12.62,14.67 Sp M4V+M5V
Coord 2000 22173-0847 Discov num LDS 782 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 22 17 18.96 -08 48 12.3
Date first 1920 Date last 2016 Obs 20
Pa first 225 Pa last 215.6 P.A. Now (θ) 215.6°
Sep first 7.0 Sep last 7.9 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.9"
Mag pri 12.62 Mag sec 14.67 delta mag (ΔM) 2.05 Spectral class M4V+M5V (red/red)
Pri motion ra -437 Sec motion ra -437
Pri motion dec -219 Sec motion dec -219
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 22 17 19 -08 48 12 LDS 782 AB 2016 20 216 7.9 12.62 14.67 2.05 <===
Show 22 17 19 -08 48 12 VGT 5 AC 2010 2 110 2.6 8.20
Show 22 17 19 -08 48 19 BEU 22 Ba,Bb 2021 16 59 0.2 14.67
Quadruple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Aquarius
WDS 22173-0847 LDS 782 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LDS 782 AB: NLTT 53397/53398 Chm2004
This system counts as single in our statistics, even though it appears
to be a triple system in reality. The reason for this is that the A
component was the AstraLux target, and the BC pair at ~7.8" is outside
of the completeness cut-off at 6". Since the BC pair is visible in the
AstraLux images, we can nonetheless analyze it astrometrically. This
pair was first reported by Beuzit et al. (2004) with rho = 0.978" and
theta = 305.8deg. There are no error bars quoted, but if we assume
that the quoted precision in decimal places corresponds to measurement
precision, and adopt errors of 5 mas and 0.5deg, which should be
conservative in that circumstance, we find that common proper motion
can be confirmed at a 76 sigma confidence level. Hence, physical
companionship can be confidently inferred, even if the errors should
be substantially larger than what we have assumed. Jnn2012
refcode metd author reference
Chm2004 E - Chaname, J. & Gould, A. 2004ApJ...601..289C
Chm2004 ApJ 601, 289, 2004
Chm2004 (Photometry, coordinates, and astrometry from rNLTT. Astrometry from early
Chm2004 versions of 2MASS and UCAC, with date given only as "circa 2000". Measures
Chm2004 identical to discovery observations - predominantly close pairs - were assumed
Chm2004 not new observations, so not included in WDS. Similar concerns when primary and
Chm2004 secondary magnitudes or proper motions were the same.)
Jnn2012 Cl j Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Hippler, S., Daemgen, S., 2012ApJ...754...44J
Jnn2012 +E2 Kudryavtseva, N., Schmalzl, E., Schnupp, C., & Henning, T.
Jnn2012 ApJ 754, 44, 2012 (some recalibrated measures published in Jnn2014b) 2014ApJS..214...17J
idgroup discov author
1 BEU Beuzit, J.-L., Segransan, D., Forveille, T., Udry, S., Delfosse, X., Mayor, M.,
1 BEU Perrier, C., Hainaut, M.-C., et al.
2 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
2 VGT Vogt, N., Schmidt, T.O.B., Neuhauser, R., Bedalov, A., Roell, T., Seifahrt, A., &
2 VGT Mugrauer, M.
3 VGT Vogt, N., Mugrauer, M., Neuhauser, R., Schmidt, T.O.B., Contreras-Quijada, A., &
3 VGT Schmidt, J.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2000 10 203 7.0 12.62 14.67 M4.5+M5 221718.96-084812.3
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2008 12 220 7.8 12.62 14.67 M4.5+M5 N 221718.96-084812.3
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2010 15 214 7.9 12.62 14.67 M4.5 M5 NV 221718.96-084812.3
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2012 16 214 8.0 12.62 14.67 M4V+M5V NV 221718.96-084812.3
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2015 19 215 7.9 12.62 14.67 M4V+M5V NV 221718.96-084812.3
22173-0847 LDS 782 AB 2016 20 216 7.9 12.62 14.67 M4V+M5V NV 221718.96-084812.3

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WDS 22173-0847 LDS 782 AB : MEASURES
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WDS 22173-0847 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @
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