WDS 21509-4052 CRU 2 AB (HD 207572) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
CRU 2 AB = LDS 757.
refcode metd author reference
Cru1884 Ma j Cruls, L. 1884AnRio...41..97C
Cru1884 Ann. Rio de Janeiro Obs. 4, Pt.1, 97, 1884
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21509-4052 CRU 2 AB 1999 8 307 23.1 9.90 11.44 G3V N D 215056.33-405157.1
21509-4052 CRU 2 AB 2015 10 307 23.2 9.90 11.44 G3V N 215056.33-405157.1
21509-4052 CRU 2 AB 2016 12 307 23.2 9.90 11.44 G3V NV 215056.33-405157.1

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