WDS 21194+3814 HO 286 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HO 286 Often seen single. Rapid binary, distances small and quadrants
uncertain. One component is a Cepheid, V1334 Cyg.
CIA 5 Aa,Ab: Gallenne et al. (2013) resolved the primary into an 8,as pair,
and derived a combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit. Spectral
type of the companion is earlier than B5.5V. CIA2013a
Masses are 4.9 and 4.0 Msun. Estimated period = 5.3y,
a = 6.3au = 0.01". Evs2013
Limb darkened diameter of Cepheid = 0.524 +/- 0.039 mas.
Limb darkened diameter of Cepheid = 40.6 +/- 3.0 \rsun.
Mass of A,B = 4.288 +/- 0.133, 4.040 +/- 0.048 \msun.
Mass of secondary = 4.288 +/- 0.133 \msun. GaA2018
Mass of A,B = 4.6 +/- 0.7. 3.80 +/- 0.57 /msun. Krv2019a
refcode metd author reference
CIA2013a Kc j Gallenne, A., Monnier, J., Merand, A., Kervella, P., Kraus, S., Schaefer, G.H., 2013A&A...552A..21G
CIA2013a Gieren, W., Pietrzynski, G., Szabados, L., Che, X., Baron, F., Pedretti,E., et al.
CIA2013a A&A 552, A21, 2013
Evs2013 Hp j Evans, N.R., Bond, H.E., Schaefer, G.H., Mason, B.D., Karovska, M., & Tingle, E. 2013AJ....146...93E
Evs2013 +X AJ 146, 93, 2013
GaA2018 Kc j Gallenne, A., Kervella, P., Evans, N.R., Proffitt, C.R., Monnier, J.D., Merand, A., 2018ApJ...867..121G
GaA2018 +orb Nelan, E., Winston, E., Pietrzynski, G., Schaefer, G., Gieren, W., Anderson, R.I.,
GaA2018 +not Borgniet, S., Kraus, S., Roettenbacher, R.M., Baron, F., Pilecki, B., Taormina, M.,
GaA2018 Graczyk, D., Mowlavi, N. & Eyer, L.
GaA2018 ApJ 867, 121, 2018
Krv2019a orb+- Kervella, P., Gallenne, A., Evans, N.R., Szabados, L., Arenouu, F., Merand, A., 2019A&A...623A.116K
Krv2019a +not Proto, Y., Karczmarek, P., Nardetto, N., Gieren, W. & Pietrzynski, G.
Krv2019a A&A 623, A116, 2019
idgroup discov author
1 HO Hough, G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21194+3814 HO 286 AB 2005 31 237 0.2 6.60 6.60 F3II N 211922.18+381414.9

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