WDS 21086-2112 HJ 3009 AB (Chi Cap) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 3009 chi Cap = 25 Cap
HJ 1617.
VIG 20 The E and F components appear to be co-moving with the primary; the
masses of E and F are estimated at 0.09-0.13 and 0.09-0.14 Msun,
respectively. Optical/physical nature of the G component is undefined. Vig2012
refcode metd author reference
Vig2012 A - Vigan, A., Patience, J., Marois, C., Bonavita, M., DeRosa, R.J., Macintosh, B., 2012A&A...544A...9V
Vig2012 Song, I., Royon, R., Zuckerman, B., Lafreniere, D., & Barman, T.
Vig2012 A&A 544, A9, 2012
Vig2012 (measures include 5-sigma detection limits for separations 0.5" - 10")
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21086-2112 HJ 3009 AB 1998 4 61 69.8 5.28 11.00 N D 210833.64-211137.4
21086-2112 HJ 3009 AB 1999 5 62 69.2 5.28 11.00 N D 210833.64-211137.4
21086-2112 HJ 3009 AB 2020 6 61 70.6 5.28 11.72 A0V N 210833.62-211137.2

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