WDS 21023+3931 WRD 4 AF : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
H 4 113 H IV 113. B is BD+38@4320. Also known as STF2748.
SMY 6 AD: Based on his magnitude estimates, the 1875 Ward measure attributed Wrd1876
to EH was more likely AD.
WRD 4 AG: Ward's 1875 EG measure doesn't correspond to any likely companion,
but given his magnitudes, the measure was probably between A and a
companion now labelled as G. The old EG pair has been removed. The
WRD 4ED should more appropriately have been designated SMY 6ED, but
will not be changed, in order to minimize confusion.
refcode metd author reference
Wrd1876 Ma - Ward, I.W. 1876AReg...14..165W
Wrd1876 Astr. Reg. 14, 165, 1876
idgroup discov author
1 FYM Fay, M.
28 SMY Smyth, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21023+3931 WRD 4 AF 2012 4 222 102.2 6.62 11.88 N D 210220.96+393032.5
21023+3931 WRD 4 AF 2015 5 223 101.8 6.62 12.45 K3II-III N 210220.95+393032.5

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