WDS 21013+3554 SEI 1368 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SEI1368 ALI 210. Ali observation in 1933 indicates a large change. Proper Ali1955
motion or error in one measure?
refcode metd author reference
Ali1955 Pa - Ali, A. .
Ali1955 Pub. Nizamiah Obs. 13, Pt. 2, 1955
idgroup discov author
1 SEI Scheiner, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21013+3554 SEI1368 1999 3 57 13.3 11.30 11.60 N D 210116.00+355332.6
21013+3554 SEI1368 2002 4 56 13.2 11.30 11.60 N D 210116.00+355332.6
21013+3554 SEI1368 2015 6 57 13.5 11.30 11.60 N 210116.00+355332.6
21013+3554 SEI1368 2020 11 57 13.3 11.30 11.60 N 210116.00+355332.6

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