WDS 20391+1550 BU 288 AB (HD 196775) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BU 288 AE: Kuiper (1961) lists the measure as AC, but notes "This is, of
course, not the companion C measured by Burnham as given in the ADS,
but, like D, a fainter and closer companion not previously seen. Kui1961b
refcode metd author reference
Kui1961b Ma j Kuiper, G.P. 1961ApJS....6....1K
Kui1961b ApJS 6, 1, 1961
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20391+1550 BU 288 AB 2006 8 154 5.2 5.97 12.40 B3V D 203904.97+155017.6

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