WDS 20194+1422 A 1672 BC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF2665 A, HD 193349/50, is a 1071 d spectroscopic binary whose secondary may REG2018
be a former binary who is now merged.
refcode metd author reference
REG2018 not Griffin, R.E.M. & Griffin, R.F. 2018AN....339..586G
REG2018 AN 339, 586, 2018
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
312 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20194+1422 A 1672 BC 1989 10 26 0.1 10.10 10.80 201921.30+142218.0
20194+1422 A 1672 BC 2018 11 69 0.1 10.10 10.80 201921.22+142217.8
20194+1422 A 1672 BC 2019 12 65 0.1 10.10 10.80 201921.22+142217.8
20194+1422 A 1672 BC 2021 13 59 0.1 10.10 10.80 201921.22+142217.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.