WDS 20140+5557 TOK 5 (HD 239355) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
TOK 5 1984.778: This object, first resolved here, was suspected to be an
astrometric binary with period about 11 years and semiamplitude about
0".1 by A.A. Voltchkov. The observed orbital motion is not
incompatible with the astrometric data. Tok1985
refcode metd author reference
Tok1985 Ig u Tokovinin, A.A. 1985A&AS...61..483T
Tok1985 A&AS 61, 483, 1985
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20140+5557 TOK 5 1993 6 90 0.0 8.85 10.10 A7 N D 201400.63+555711.2

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