WDS 19542+0157 HZG 14 AB (HD 188268) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HZG 14 AB: B is BD+01@4135.
AB: HJL 269. HJL1986
AB: SHY 323. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very Shy2011
high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.
ABT9002 Previously known as ABT 14.
HIP 97940. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity, AlC2000
age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.
refcode metd author reference
AlC2000 Po - Allen, C., Poveda, A., & Herrera, M 2000A&A...356..529A
AlC2000 A&A 356, 529, 2000
HJL1986 Pa - Halbwachs, J.L. 1986A&AS...66..131H
HJL1986 A&AS 66, 131, 1986
HJL1986 (Possible CPM pairs from AGK2/3. Coarse astrometry, incl. mean 1950 dates, added
HJL1986 only for previously unknown pairs. Table 1: HJL 1 - 326, Table 2: HJL1001 - 1113)
Shy2011 - Shaya, E.J. & Olling, R. 2011ApJS..192....2S
Shy2011 ApJS 192, 2, 2011
Shy2011 (Statistical analysis of probability that wide Hipparcos pairs are physical. Pairs
Shy2011 added to WDS only if probability 90% or greater.)
idgroup discov author
1 ABT Abetti, G.
18 HZG Hertzsprung, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19542+0157 HZG 14 AB 2004 18 92 161.0 8.89 9.03 K0 NZDV 195414.95+015638.7
19542+0157 HZG 14 AB 2015 20 93 162.0 8.89 9.03 K0+K0 NZWV 195414.95+015636.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.