WDS 02104-5049 ESG 1 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ESG 1 Gl 86. Magnitudes are K magnitudes of Lagrange et al. (2006).
Lagrange et al. (2006) give two possible orbital solutions, based on Lgr2006
different assumed masses (70 Mjup and 0.5 Msun) for the secondary.
Semi-major axes converted from au (47.58 and 18.42 au, respectively)
to arcseconds assuming an Hipparcos-based distance of 10.9 pc.
JHK photometry of primary from 2MASS, that of secondary transformed
from NACO to 2MASS filters.
2001.7454: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in
equatorial mode, PA = 112.1. Rbr2011d
Farihi et al. (2013) derive a mass of 0.59 +/- 0.01 Msun and
Teff = 8180 +/- 120K for the white dwarf companion to GJ 86. Monte
Carlo simulations yield the following orbital constraints:
P = 120-481y, T0 = 1933-2067, e = 0.00-0.61, i = 114.7-122.6deg,
a = 2.57-6.47" (27.8-69.8 au) Omega = 63.7-76.1deg, omega=0-358deg.
The upper ranges of P and a are considered less likely. Far2013
GJ 86 A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate
astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Queloz Que2000
et al. (2000). HaI2001
refcode metd author reference
Far2013 Ha j Farihi, J., Bond, H.E., Dufour, P., Haghighipour, N., Schaefer, G.H., 2013MNRAS.430..652F
Far2013 +Hp Holberg, J.B., Barstow, M.A., & Burleigh, M.R.
Far2013 MNRAS 430, 652, 2013
HaI2001 - Han, I., Black, D., & Gatewood, G. 2001ApJ...548L..57H
HaI2001 ApJ 548, L57, 2001
Lgr2006 Ao j Lagrange, A.-M., Beust, H., Udry, S., Chauvin, G., & Mayor, M. 2006A&A...459..955L
Lgr2006 A&A 459, 955, 2006
Msn2017c orb - Mason, B.D. & Hartkopf, W.I. 2017IAUDS.192....1M
Msn2017c Inf. Circ. 192, 1, 2017
Que2000 Xh - Queloz, D., Mayor, M., Weber, L., Blecha, A., Burnet, M., Confino, B., Naef, D., 2000A&A...354...99Q
Que2000 Pepe, F., et al.
Que2000 A&A 354, 99, 2000
Rbr2011d A j Roberts, L.C., Jr., Turner, N.H., ten Brummelaar, T.A., Mason, B.D., & 2011AJ....142..175R
Rbr2011d AJ 142, 175, 2011
idgroup discov author
1 ESG Els, S., Sterzik, M., Marchis, F., Pantin, E., Endl, M., & Kurster, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02104-5049 ESG 1 2005 4 103 2.0 4.79 14.20 NVDP 021025.98-504925.2
02104-5049 ESG 1 2012 7 89 2.4 6.17 13.20 K0V DQ6 NO P 021025.98-504925.2
02104-5049 ESG 1 2016 8 83 2.6 6.17 13.20 K0V+DQ6 NO P 021025.98-504925.2

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