WDS 18333+3203 SLE 201 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SLE 201 Nothing at Soulie (1984) published coordinates. A pair 25s east
appears to be the most likely candidate. Sle1984
refcode metd author reference
Sle1984 Pa - Soulie, G. 1984A&AS...56..351S
Sle1984 A&AS 56, 351, 1984
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18333+3203 SLE 201 2006 3 259 22.6 10.10 11.70 183320.83+320252.2
18333+3203 SLE 201 2010 6 259 22.1 10.09 12.30 N I 183345.75+320250.8
18333+3203 SLE 201 2015 8 259 22.1 10.09 12.30 N I 183345.75+320250.8

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