WDS 02002+1259 VKI 6 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Vki1984 Po - Vilkki, E. 1984PASP...96..161V
Vki1984 PASP 96, 161, 1984
Vki1988 Po - Vilkki, E. 1988PASP..100.1540V
Vki1988 PASP 100, 1540, 1988
Vki1989 Po - Vilkki, E. 1989PASP..101.1132V
Vki1989 PASP 101, 1132, 1989
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02002+1259 VKI 6 1981 1 6 2.9 12.90 14.30
02002+1259 VKI 6 1990 2 6 2.6 12.90 14.30 020009.91+125915.4
02002+1259 VKI 6 2000 3 5 2.6 12.90 14.30 020009.91+125915.4
02002+1259 VKI 6 2015 3 6 2.8 12.90 14.30 020009.91+125915.4

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