WDS 17224-1839 ARA 442 (HD 157153) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Ara1961 Pa - Aravamudan, S. 1961PASP...73..266A
Ara1961 PASP 73, 266, 1961
Ara1963 Pa - Aravamudan, S. .
Ara1963 Pub. Nizamiah Obs. 13, Pt.3, 1963
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17224-1839 ARA 442 1917 3 345 9.0 8.69 11.80 K2III 172222.23-183835.6
17224-1839 ARA 442 2011 4 311 6.2 8.69 11.80 K2III 172222.23-183835.6
17224-1839 ARA 442 2012 5 307 6.2 8.69 11.80 K2III 172222.23-183835.6

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