WDS 16450+2928 COU 490 (HD 151236) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COU 490 1983.3125: Very poor atmospheric conditions. Bag1984a
Systemic mass is estimated at 3.1 +/- 0.5 Msun, assuming a dynamical
parallax of 6.94 +/- 0.10 mas. Couteau (1999) gives a spectral type of Cou1999b
F5 for both components. However, 2MASS IR colors suggest a somewhat
earlier spectral type F0-F2V. Adopting an F2V spectral type yields a
rough spectroscopic parallax of 6.92 mas, in good agreement with the
derived dynamical value. Doc2008a
refcode metd author reference
Bag1984a S j Balega, Y.Y. & Ryadchenko, V.P. 1984SvAL...10...95B
Bag1984a SvAL 10, 95, 1984
Cou1999b orb - Couteau, P. .
Cou1999b Cat. de 2700 Etoiles Doubles "COU", 1999 Obs. de la Cote d'Azur, 3rd ed.
Doc2008a S j Docobo, J.A., Tamazian, V.S., Andrade, M., Ling, J.F., Balega, Y.Y., 2008AJ....135.1803D
Doc2008a +orb Lahulla, J.F., & Maximov, A.
Doc2008a AJ 135, 1803, 2008
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16450+2928 COU 490 2005 29 314 0.1 8.80 8.80 F5 NOD 164458.51+292737.9
16450+2928 COU 490 2006 30 305 0.1 8.80 8.80 F5 NOD 164458.51+292737.9
16450+2928 COU 490 2008 31 294 0.1 8.80 8.80 F5 NOD 164458.51+292737.9

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