WDS 16440+4459 KZA 110 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
KZA 110 AC: Error in RA caused resulting incorrect measure by Kazeza. KZA1984
refcode metd author reference
Kza1984 Pa j Kazeza, S.M. 1984BAORB...9..311K
Kza1984 Bull. R. Astron. Obs. Belgium 9, 311, 1984
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16440+4459 KZA 110 AB 2007 3 145 17.3 9.50 11.00 164403.22+445835.6
16440+4459 KZA 110 AB 2008 4 146 17.8 9.50 11.00 164403.22+445835.6
16440+4459 KZA 110 AB 2009 6 146 17.4 11.64 13.76 N D 164403.02+445832.3
16440+4459 KZA 110 AB 2010 7 146 17.0 11.64 13.76 N D 164403.02+445832.3
16440+4459 KZA 110 AB 2015 10 145 17.2 11.47 13.76 N 164403.02+445832.3

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