WDS 16198-5009 HJ 4841 AB (Gam2 Nor) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 4841 gam 2 Nor
Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components
using the method of apparent motion parameters. Kiy2008
Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014). USN2014a
refcode metd author reference
Kiy2008 - Kiyaeva, O.V., Kiselev, A.A. & Izmailov, I.S. 2008SvAL...32..405K
Kiy2008 SvAL 34, 405, 2008
USN2014a lin - Hurowitz, J.L., Hartkopf, W.I., & Mason, B.D. 2014IAUDS.182....1H
USN2014a Inf. Circ. 182, 1, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
50 NSN Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16198-5009 HJ 4841 AB 2013 11 20 49.1 4.12 10.49 G8III NL U 161950.42-500919.8

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