WDS 16137+4638 A 1642 (HD 146327) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 1642 Pair suspected of variability. The quadrant reversal assumed in Dom1970
Dommanget orbit did not take place.
refcode metd author reference
Dom1970 orb - Dommanget, J. & van Dessel, E. 1970A&A.....6..423D
Dom1970 A&A 6, 423, 1970
Hrt2001b orb - Hartkopf, W.I. & Mason, B.D. 2001IAUDS.145....1H
Hrt2001b Inf. Circ. 145, 1, 2001
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16137+4638 A 1642 2006 46 184 0.7 8.87 9.39 G0 NOD 161343.62+463823.1
16137+4638 A 1642 2007 48 182 0.8 8.87 9.39 G0 NOD 161343.62+463823.1
16137+4638 A 1642 2009 49 182 0.7 8.87 9.39 G0 NOD 161343.62+463823.1
16137+4638 A 1642 2011 54 182 0.8 8.87 9.39 G0 NO 161343.62+463823.1
16137+4638 A 1642 2015 55 181 0.8 8.87 9.39 G0 NO 161343.62+463823.1
16137+4638 A 1642 2016 56 181 0.8 8.87 9.39 G0 NO 161343.62+463823.1

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