WDS 15458-3021 BRR 13 (HD 140637) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Brr1995 A j Brandner, W., Bouvier, J., Grebel, E., Tessier, E., de Winter, D., & Beuzit, J.-L. 1995A&A...298..818B
Brr1995 A&A 298, 818, 1995
Brr1996 Ci j Brandner, W., Alcala, J.M., Kunkel, M., Moneti, A., & Zinnecker, H. 1996A&A...307..121B
Brr1996 A&A 307, 121, 1996
Brr2004 Hp j Brandner, W., Martin, E.L., Bouy, H., Koehler, R., Delfosse, X., Basri, G., & 2004A&A...428..205B
Brr2004 +Hs Andersen, M.
Brr2004 +orb A&A 428, 205, 2004
Brr2004 (F814W photometry from this reference plus Boy2003)
Brr2006 Hn j Brandner, W. 2006PASP..118..611G
Brr2006 +C HST public archive data cited by Gelino et al. (PASP 118, 611, 2006)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15458-3021 BRR 13 1994 1 349 0.7 9.37   K2V 154547.65-302054.9

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