WDS 13514+6443 HJ 3342 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 3342 10 Dra. A is an irregular variable, CU Dra.
NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 6.799 +/- 0.077 mas, Sp = M3III, NOI2018
R = 83.22 +/- 2.12 \rsun, Teff = 3584 +/- 35 K, L = 1031 +/- 70 \lsun,
M = 0.93 +/- 0.06 \msun, Age = 10.24 +/- 1.40 Gyr.
refcode metd author reference
NOI2018 not j Baines, E.K., Armstrong, J.T., Schmitt, H.R., Zavala, R.T., Benson, J.A., Hutter, 2018AJ....155...30B
NOI2018 D.J., Tycner, C. & van Belle, G.T.
NOI2018 AJ 155, 30, 2018
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13514+6443 HJ 3342 AB 1924 5 26 54.8 4.65 13.00 M3III N D 135125.94+644323.8
13514+6443 HJ 3342 AB 2004 7 24 54.9 4.65 13.00 M3III N D 135125.94+644323.8
13514+6443 HJ 3342 AB 2015 9 25 54.0 4.65 13.00 M3III N 135125.94+644323.8

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