WDS 13324+4717 ODE 10 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Ode1995 Po - Odenkirchen, M. & Brosche, P. 1995A&A...302..915O
Ode1995 A&A 302, 915, 1995
Ode1995 (photographic data from several telescopes. Aperture in catalog given as most
Ode1995 common value of 0.3m = 12in)
Ode1997 Po - Odenkirchen, M., Brosche, P., Borngen, F., Meusinger, H., & Ziener, R. 1997A&AS..124..189O
Ode1997 A&AS 124, 189, 1997
Ode1997 (photographic data from several telescopes. Aperture in catalog given as most
Ode1997 common value of 0.3m = 12in)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13324+4717 ODE 10 1998 2 242 4.0 14.02 14.33 D 133225.64+471703.1
13324+4717 ODE 10 2003 3 244 4.0 14.02 14.33 D 133225.64+471703.1
13324+4717 ODE 10 2004 5 245 3.9 14.02 14.33 D 133225.64+471703.1
13324+4717 ODE 10 2013 6 249 3.7 14.02 14.33 U 133225.64+471703.1
13324+4717 ODE 10 2015 7 250 4.0 14.02 14.33 U 133225.64+471703.1

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