WDS 13031-7129 CHR 228 (NSV6063) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
CHR 228 As was the case with CHR 227, this star falls within the declination
band missed in the surveys of Rossiter (1955) and van den Bos (1957). Rst1955
If physical, this 0".56 pair would presumably have an extremely long B__1957a
period, given the spectral type and large calculated distance of its
primary. The small change in theta seen over 2.75 years is consistent
with this, implying a period of order 500 - 600 years.
The star is noted in Abt & Biggs (1972) as having variable radial AbH1972
velocity; Hoffleit & Warren (1991) also note photometric variability Hof1991
of amplitude ~0.2 mag, as well as variability in the line width of
H-alpha emission. Hrt1996b
refcode metd author reference
AbH1972 - Abt. H.A. & Biggs, E.S. 1972bsrv.book.....A
AbH1972 Bibliography of Stellar Radial Velocities
B__1957a orb - van den Bos, W.H. 1957CiUO..116..289V
B__1957a Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 116, 289-291, 1957
Hof1991 - Hoffleit, D. & Jaschek, C. 1991bsc..book.....H
Hof1991 The Bright Star Catalogue, Fifth Revised Edition (preliminary version), 1991
Hrt1996b Sc j Hartkopf, W.I., Mason, B.D., McAlister, H.A., Turner, N.H., Barry, D.J., Franz, . 1996AJ....111..936H
Hrt1996b O.G., & Prieto, C.M
Hrt1996b AJ 111, 936, 1996
Rst1955 Ma j Rossiter, R.A. 1955POMic..11....1R
Rst1955 +P+ Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 11, 1, 1955
idgroup discov author
1 CHR Center for High Ang. Res. Astronomy (speckle interferometry systems)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13031-7129 CHR 228 1993 5 163 0.6 6.05 8.57 B1.5IIIne N D 130305.33-712832.6

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