WDS 12547-5909 SHT 48 AB : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Blk1990 S j Blackmore, D.R., Matcher, S.J., Morgan, B.L., Vine, H.A., Argue, N.A., & White, G. 1990SPIE.1237..231B
Blk1990 Tucson SPIE Conf. "Amplitude and Intensity Spatial Interferometry", ed.
Blk1990 J.B. Breckinridge, v 1237, 231, 1990
Sht1998 - Shatsky, N.I. 1998SvAL...24..257S
Sht1998 SvAL 24, 257, 1998
Sht1999 C - Shatsky, N.I., Sinachopoulos, D., Prado, P. & van Dessel, E. 1999A&AS..139...69S
Sht1999 A&AS 139, 69, 1999
Sht2002 A - Shatsky, N.I. & Tokovinin, A. 2002A&A...382...92S
Sht2002 A&A 382, 92, 2002
Sht2014 - Denisenko, D., Lipunov, V., Balanutsa, P. & Shatsky, N. 2014ATel.5788....1D
Sht2014 Astronomer's Telegram #5788 (http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=5788)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12547-5909 SHT 48 AB 2000 1 255 3.5 4.60   B4Vne 125439.22-590848.0

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