WDS 11585-4751 SLR 24 (HD 103994) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Slr1892 orb - Sellors, R.P. 1892MNRAS..53...45S
Slr1892 MNRAS 53, 45, 1892
Slr1893a Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1893MNRAS..54..123S
Slr1893a MNRAS 54, 123, 1893
Slr1893b Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1893AN....132..145S
Slr1893b AN 132, 145, 1893
Slr1894 Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1894AN....135..417S
Slr1894 AN 135, 417, 1894
Slr1895 Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1895AN....138..233S
Slr1895 AN 138, 233, 1895
Slr1896 Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1896AN....141..137S
Slr1896 AN 141, 137, 1896
Slr1897 Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1897AN....143..233S
Slr1897 AN 143, 233, 1897
Slr1910 Ma - Sellors, R.P. 1910AN....186...65S
Slr1910 AN 186, 65, 1910
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11585-4751 SLR 24 1991 9 175 1.7 9.14 9.49 B9V D 115828.13-475102.6
11585-4751 SLR 24 2015 10 176 1.7 9.14 9.49 B9V 115828.13-475102.6

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