WDS 10530+5742 A 1352 (NU UMa) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 1352 This cannot be the close 5.508-d spectroscopic binary. Grf2009c
NU UMa, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.50762 d. Zas2011
refcode metd author reference
Grf2009c not - Griffin, R.F. 2009Obs...129..317G
Grf2009c Observatory 129, 317, 2009
Zas2011 - Zasche, P. ...................
Zas2011 private communication, 2011
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10530+5742 A 1352 1991 7 40 1.1 9.42 11.48 G5 D 105301.05+574208.0
10530+5742 A 1352 2015 8 41 1.0 9.42 11.48 G5 N 105301.05+574208.0

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