WDS 01096-0711 HDS 151 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HDS 151 This binary displays clear common proper motion, but the residual
astrometry does not seem to follow a simple trajectory consistent with
only orbital motion of the two visible components. In addition, the
brightness difference is larger than the spectral type difference
would imply at a common distance. This could indicate that the A
component is itself an unresolved binary. Jnn2012
refcode metd author reference
Jnn2012 Cl j Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Hippler, S., Daemgen, S., 2012ApJ...754...44J
Jnn2012 +E2 Kudryavtseva, N., Schmalzl, E., Schnupp, C., & Henning, T.
Jnn2012 ApJ 754, 44, 2012 (some recalibrated measures published in Jnn2014b) 2014ApJS..214...17J
idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01096-0711 HDS 151 1991 2 78 2.7 11.57 13.99 M0 010938.77-071049.1
01096-0711 HDS 151 2008 3 75 2.6 11.57 13.99 M0 D 010938.77-071049.1
01096-0711 HDS 151 2012 6 74 2.5 11.57 13.99 M0 NV 010938.77-071049.1
01096-0711 HDS 151 2015 7 74 2.5 11.57 13.99 M0 NV 010938.77-071049.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.