WDS 09551-6911 RMK 12 (HD 86388) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
RMK 12 Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018). LRR2018a
refcode metd author reference
LRR2018a lin - Letchford, R.R., White, G.L. & Ernest, A.D. 2018JDSO...14..208L
LRR2018a JDSO 14, 208, 2018 .
idgroup discov author
1 RMK Rumker, C. (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09551-6911 RMK 12 2000 17 213 9.2 6.85 8.87 B9V D 095505.63-691120.2
09551-6911 RMK 12 2010 19 212 9.1 6.85 8.87 B9V 095505.63-691120.2
09551-6911 RMK 12 2015 20 213 9.2 6.85 8.87 B9V 095505.63-691120.2

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