WDS 09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB (KL Vel) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
FIN 317 Aa,Ab: FIN 317 is a close subsystem in the 2.9" AB pair HJ 4188. After
discovery of Aa,Ab in 1951 at 0.116", Finsen (1951) was unable to Fin1951b
resolve the star again on twelve occasions till 1968, except one other
tentative measure in 1962. Yet the object was resolved by speckle in Fin1964a
1989.94 at 0.144" and in 2006.18 at 0.123". Despite orbital period of
∼50 yr estimated from projected separation, the sub-system was not
detected in 3 runs at SOAR (2009-2012), while the wider pair AB was
measured. This may be yet another case of erratic measures and
non-resolutions. Possibly another "ghost" which isn't a real binary, Tok2012b
but not "X" coded yet.
refcode metd author reference
Fin1951b Ma - Finsen, W.S. 1951CiUO..112...94F
Fin1951b +J Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 112, 94, 1951
Fin1964a J j Finsen, W.S. 1964ROCi..123...53F
Fin1964a Republic Obs. Circ. 123, 53, 1964
Tok2012b S j Tokovinin, A. 2012AJ....144...56T
Tok2012b +orb AJ 144, 56, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 1992 35 281 2.8 5.96 6.76 D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2009 37 280 2.9 5.96 6.76 D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2012 38 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2013 39 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2014 40 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2015 44 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N D 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2017 50 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2018 53 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2019 58 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2020 60 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N 091230.54-433647.9
09125-4337 HJ 4188 AB 2021 64 281 2.9 5.96 6.76 B8Vp:Si: N 091230.54-433647.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.